Friday, May 21, 2010

Chocolate Banana Swirl Cake

Bake this last week actually, straight after the kids finished their exams..hahaha..cause really missed baking..
this time tried this recipe from Aunty Yochana. I adjusted some to suits my taste..didnt add the base ingredients as my kids dont like walnuts in their cake.. When making this my advice is to really beat the sugar and butter to really creamy and pale to get that soft, melt in your mouth cake!..

Remember too, that since the cake uses banana in the ingredients, the quantity of sugar is also important, of course up to your preference lah for me 185g that I used, Mr Hubby said it was still quite maybe next time I will use 175g?..Apa2 pun this cake meets my expectations!..I like it.

ps:- For Lin, this is the cake that I passed it to you the other day..only today then I updated here!..haha
Glad you like it, and more cakes to be shared if there are enough for everyone!..

Ingredients for the base of the pan: (Bahan untuk bawah loyang)
Mix together and sprinkle at base of pan-(Campurkan bahan2 dan taburkan dibawah loyang)
2 Tbsp. Butter-(2 sudu besar mentega)
1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts-(1/3 cawan walnut cincang)
2 Tbsp. castor sugar -(2 sudu besar gula kastor)
(Ayu omit this)-(Ayu tak bubuhkan ini)

Ingredient for cake:-
250 gm. Cake flour-(250g tepung kek)
2 tsp. baking powder-(2 sudu kecil baking powder)
1/4 tsp. Bicarbonate of Soda-(1/4 sudu kecil bicarbonate soda)
1/4 tsp. salt-(1/4 sudu kecil garam)
185 gm. Butter-Ayu used 200g-(185g mentega -Ayu gunakan 200g)
200 gm. sugar-Ayu used 185g-(200g gula-Ayu gunakan 185g)
1 tsp. vanilla essence-(1 sudu kecil vanilla esen)
3 large eggs-( 3 telur size besar)
3 very ripe bananas - peeled and mashed till fine-Ayu used 190g-(3 pisang yang masak dilecek halus- Ayu gunakan 190g)
6 Tbsp. ( 3 ozs.) Buttermilk or sour cream-Ayu used 90g sour cream-(6 sudu besar buttermilk atau sourcream- Ayu gunakan 90g sour cream)
120 gm. Dark chocolate - melted + Ayu used 1/2 tsp cocoa powder-(120g coklat masakan pahit dicairkan +Ayu tambahkan 1/2 sudu kecil serbuk koko)

Sprinkle ingredients for the base into the pan. Sieve flour, baking powder, salt and bicarbonate of soda toghether and leave aside. Beat butter and sugar together till creamy and pale.Add in mashed bananas and vanilla essence and mix well. Add in eggs one at a time beating till just incorporated. Fold in the flour mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Divide mixture into 2 parts. Mix one part of the mixture with melted chocolate. Scoop mixture one on top of the other till finished, gently run the spatula through the batter to slightly swirl the batter. Slightly tap the pan on the table.Bake at 175C(Ayu used 170C) for about 45 mins. or till skewer inserted comes out clean. Remove from oven and set aside for 5 mins. before removing from the pan. Leave on a wire rack to cool.-(Taburkan bahan2 untuk bawah loyang. Ayak tepung, baking powder, garam dan bicarbonate soda dan ketepikan. Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang dan putih. Masukkan pisang yang dilecek dan vanilla esen dan gaul rata. Masukkan telur satu persatu dan teruskan putar hingga sebati. Masukkan tepung, berselang seli dengan buttermilk atau sour cream. Bagikan dua bahagian. Campurkan 1 adunan dengan coklat yang telah dicairkan+(serbuk koko). Ceduk adunan berselang seli warna hingga habis. Perlahan2, gunakan spatula buat pusingan didalam adunan. Ketuk loyang sedikit diatas meja. Bakar 175C(Ayu bakar dalam170C) selama 45 minit atau bila dicucuk dengan lidi keluarnya bersih. Keluarkan dari oven, dan ketepikan selama 5 minit sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang. Biarkan diatas rack untuk sejuk.)


  1. Setakat ni laaa...apa yang ayu masak tak pernah fail mengecuhkan kak gerau...semua-semua kecuh,,,kecuh kecuh kecuh...Memang Hebat...

  2. salam ayu

    cantiknyeeee kelarai kek nieee minta seloyang ahaks...

  3. geraugebang - heheh..thank you kak gerau!!..ada jugak kita buat tak menjadi kak..haha..nasib2 jugak..haha

    jalilah -walkslm, aduhai seloyang kak!..heheh..dah tinggal loyangnya aje .haha

  4. salam ayu..

    oo gitu rupenyeee... hehe ayu bulan april ilah ogos..dah terlepas lah kan.. kena pos hadiah bulan ogos nie hehe org keramat menanti ni...hihi..

  5. Salam Ayu,

    Sekali lagi....THANK YOU FOR THE DELICIOUS CAKE...!!
    Sesiapa yg nak cuba..ha...try lah kek ni...memang sedap...!!
    2 thumbs up lah....

  6. salam ayu,

    thanx for the mother's day wish....sorry la lambat pc masuk the way, mengancam betul kek itu

  7. jalilah - heheh..walkslm,rahsia mu rahsia ku..biar pecah di perut jgn pecah di blog..kiki

    lin -walkslm, heheh..thank you Lin for promoting..tapi memang sedap kek ni kan..

    rahayu - ur welcome ayu..tulah yang tengok blog sunyi aje..hehe hope you had a good one ya.


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