Friday, May 21, 2010

Daging Goreng Halia

No mood to cakap banyak...hehe..

200g Daging-(200g beef)
*8 Bawang putih-(8 garlics)
*1 inci  Halia-(1 inch ginger)
1/2 biji bawang besar dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
1 Cili merah dipotong nipis -(1 red chili sliced)
 6  Cili padi dibelah dua-(6 bird eyes chillies crushed)
1/2 cawan kicap-(1/2 cup soy sauce)

Tumbuk halia dan bawang putih hingga lumat. Gaul dengan daging dan kicap. Perap seketika.
Goreng daging. Tambah air supaya daging empuk. Kacau dan tutup kuali hingga kuah hampir kering.
Selepas daging empuk, masukkan bawang besar dan kacau hingga layu. Masukkan cili padi, cili merah, dan tomato jika suka. Masak seketika dan sedia untuk dihidang.-(Ground ginger and garlic till fine. Mix with sliced beef and soy sauce. Let it for a while. Fry beef, add in some water to soften the meat. Mix and cover the pan and let it till it almost dry. When beef are cooked, add in sliced large onions and stir till soft. Add in bird eyes chillies, red chili and tomato if preferred. Cook a little bit longer and ready to be served.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. fuyooo sangat sedap...bawangnya saja aku sudah tergoda,inikan pula dagingnya..oooo aku tergoda, aku tergoda kekecewa...dari kerana bawang...he he he.ternyanyi lagu R Azmi lak...

  3. geraugebang - hahaha..kelakor lah kak gerau ni!!..hahah..

    pearlnscarf- thanks dear, welcome to my blog!


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