Monday, May 31, 2010


Today the start of one month school holidays in Singapore for mostly Primary & Secondary schools, not sure about other tertiary schools but I am sure, my house would be like the 'market', as the kids would surely make a lot of noises and I will become the mediator when they quarrel!! Just imagine how many times I have to stop typing this entry just now just to 'settle', the two kids for 'hammerring' each other.... haizzz..

I made this on Friday, since Mr Hubby was at home...the last time I made this was during the last Hari Raya...kenyang tau makan ni...dah tak payah makan nasi, or makan a bit late after that lah...anyway this recipe was what I adjusted to my taste, after comparing some recipes here and there..but you still can go over to the below add for more details..

500g minced beef(or sliced beef)-(500g daging lembu kisar atau daging dihiris)
3 tbsp chili paste-(3 sudu besar cili kisar)
3 tbsp minced garlics-(3 sudu besar bawang putih kisar)
2 tbsp minced ginger-(2 sudu besar halia kisar)
4 tbsp curry powder-(4 sudu besar serbuk kari daging)
1 big onion diced-(1 biji bawang besar dipotong dadu)
1 tomato diced-(1 biji toamto dipotong dadu)
1 cup mix vegetables-(1 cawan sayur campuran)
1 can medium size tomato puree-(1 tin tomato puree size sederhana)
4 tbsp tomato sauce-(4 sudu besar tomato sos)
1/2 -1 tbsp sugar-(1/2 -1 sudu besar gula)
1-2 cups of water-(1-2 cawan air)
salt and MSG to taste-(garam & serbuk perasa)

Ingredients for toppings:-(Bahan untuk taburan)
2 big onions diced-(2 biji bawang besar dipotong dadu)
2 tomatoes diced-(2 biji tomato dipotong dadu)
some coriander leaves or chinese celery-(sedikit daun ketumbar atau daun sup)
1-2 red chilies sliced-(1-2 lada merah dihiris halus))
1-2 green chilies sliced-(1-2 lada hijau dihiris halus)
2 tbsp fried shallots (optional)-(2 sudu besar bawang goreng-optional)
6 eggs-(6 biji telur)

Mix minced beef with garlics, ginger, and curry powder. Let it rest for at least 20 minutes.
Heat oil in wok and saute onions till soft. Add in chili paste and cook till oil goes up the surface.
Add in marinated beef and stir well. Add in 1-2 cups of water. When beef has reached 3/4 cooked, add in tomato puree, tomato sauce, mixed vegetables and diced tomatoes. Stir well and add in salt, sugar and MSG to taste. Adjust the taste(it should be a bit sour, sweet etc) according to your preferences. Let it simmer for a while and dish out.The mixture shouldn't be too thick or too thin.-(Campurkan daging, dengan bawang putih kisar, halia kisar, serbuk kari dan biarkan selama 20 minit. Panaskan minyak dan tumins bawang besar hingga layu. Masukkan cili kisar dan kacau hingga pecah minyak. Masukkan perapan daging tadi dan gaul rata. Masukkan 1-2 cawan air. Bila daging sudah hampir 3/4 masak, masukkan tomato puri, tomato sos, sayur campuran dan toamto yang dipotonfg dadu tadi. Kacau rata dan masukkan garam, gula & serbuk perasa secukup rasa. Sesuaikan rasa-ia harus ada masam dan manisnya.. Biarkan ia reneh sebentar dan matikan api. Shabsuka ini haruslah tidak terlalu cair atau kering.)

Method for preparing Shabsuka:-(Cara menyediakan dan menghidang shabsuka)
Put the beef in a bake able dish and level it.
Sprinkle all the topping ingredients like the tomatoes, onions, chillies, coriander leaves and fried shallots on top of the beef mixture. Make small holes for eggs and bake at 180C degrees for 15 minutes or at least till the eggs are almost cooked. Scoop the some mixture and serve hot with white toasted soft bread or toasted french loaves.-(Bila daging sudah masak, masukkan kedalam loyang atau mangkuk yang boleh dibakar dan ratakan. Taburkan bahan2 taburan, seperti tomato, bawang, lada, daun ketumbar/sup dan bawang goreng diatas daging tadi. Buatkan lubang untuk telur dan bakar 180C selam 15 minit atau hingga telur hampir masak. Ceduk sedikit adunan tadi dan hidangkan dengan roti putih atau roti perancis bakar/panggang)

Note* Another method of serving shabsuka.
Serve beef mixture on a plate. Sprinkle the toppings. Add fried eggs.(No need to bake)..
and dip in with bread.-(Kaedah lain, ketika menghidangkan shabsuka, adalah, ceduk adunan daging keatas pinggan, taburkan bahan2 taburan dan makan  dengan telur yang sudah digoreng dan cicah dengan roti.(Tak perlu dibakar)


  1. cara makan nya.. letak atas royi terus ngap.. atau letak atas roti then bakar baru ngap..

  2. pearlnScarf - cara makan nya, colek(cicah) dengan roti yang telah dibakar(toasted) terus ngap aje..hehe

  3. Salam Ayu. Along dh buat ni...sodaaap! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Seronok tgk resepi kt blog ni

    Shabsuka tu kalu letak parutan cheese pn mesti sedap kan...

    Sy suka resepi shabsuka tu...mesti try...

  5. Along - walkslm, thank you along sudi cuba juga ya..:)

    Anonymous - shabsuka kalau letak cheese tak pernah akak cuba lagi..tapi kalau nak letak boleh juga kot?..akak pun suka sanagt dgn dish ni..memang harus cuba tau..:)


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