Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sotong Oriental

This was for the boys...sedap juga sotong masak macam ni tau....memang pun ada ke 'oriental'lannya.sebab ada serbuk kari dan pes tomyam di campurkan jadi memang very aunthentic gitu..Recipe was from Madiha
rasanya ada ala2 sotong berempah & sotong paprik pun ada...if you want you can try  this recipe untuk menambah koleksi masakan sotong.. Thank you Madiha I put up the recipe here for sharing ya. :-)

500g sotong - dibersihkan & potong kemudian dicelur sebentar & toskan-(500g squids-cleaned, cut and boiled and drained)
1 tangkai daun kari-(1 sprig curry leaves)
5 ulas bawang merah- dihiris-(5 shallots sliced)
3 ulas bawang putih- dicincang-(3 garlics chopped/minced)
garam & gula secukup rasa-(salt & sugar to taste)
1 biji cili hijau-dihiris(Madiha tambah)-(1 green chili sliced)-(Madiha added)
5-6 biji cili padi campak aje-(ayu tambah..hehe)-(5-6 bird eyes chillies just throw in -ayu added)

Bahan2 ini dicampur jadikan pes-(Ingredients to mix to make paste)
2 sudu besar pes tomyam-(2 tbsp tomyam paste)
2 sudu kecil rempah kari ikan-(2 tsp curry powder)
11/2 sudu besar sos tiram-(11/2 tbsp oyster sauce)
2 sudu kecil sos ikan-(2 tsp fish sauce)
6 sudu besar air panas-(6 tbsp hot water)

Panaskan minyak dan masukkan daun kari, bawang merah, bawang putih dan tumis hingga kekuningan. Campurkan bahan2 pes tadi dan gaul rata & biarkan lebih kurang 3 minit. Masukkan sotong dan cili hijau. kacau rata. Masukkan garam(jika perlu) & gula dan masak 5 minit. Sedia untuk dihidangkan.-(Heat oil and add in curry leaves, shallots, garlics and saute till light brown. Add in paste ingredients and stir well. let it for at least 3 minutes. Add in squids and green chillies and stir well. Add in salt(if necessary), sugar and cook for 5 minutes. Ready to be served.)
Sources:- From


  1. Looks scrunptious! Can only admire the sotong here coz in this house, if I were to cook sotong, I ended up eating them all! Same goes for prawns... frust betul!

  2. Mamafami - oh ya ke mama? rumah sotong ni 1kg can makan untuk lunch and dinner, basically 1x usagelah gitu.. prawns pulak, mesti ada stock at least 3kg per 2-3 weeks.
    maklumlah rumah ramai penghuni..hehe

  3. memang ada kelainnannya sotong oriental ni kan? yg penting sedap.. actually.. ni resepi sahabat cyber madiha iaitu puan aliza mansur.. tercari2 resepi sotong.. terjumpa resepi ni di fp beliau.. terus mencuba & tak mengecewakan sebab sedap.. thanks sudi mencuba ayu..

  4. Madiha- aah madiha memang ada kelainan recipe sotong ni.Thank u buat puan aliza mansur juga,
    thank u juga sebab sudi share ya ..hehe


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