Friday, June 04, 2010

Caesar Salad

Change menu for a difference....imagine I was on this for one month during my diet period....just ate this during lunch accompany with 'Chili Con Carne'(which I intend to do one of this days..)..sampai my friends just shake their heads everytime I brought this out for my lunch...but those days, I bought the ready made dressings and ready packed saladslah..believe it or not, to be on a diet cost more then not on one!!..thats was how I felt... Oh yes I loose weight definitely, 7kg in 1 month!...

Well I only can persevered for that long, ...After my legs and hands became numb,nd after comments from my family that I looked like a sick woman I started to go back to rice again ..hehe

50g Salad campuran 
50g roti - dipotong kiub 
10g Mentega 
5g Filet ikan bilis
2 sudu besar bawang putih - dicincang
1/2 cawan jus lemon (1/2 cawan)

1 biji telur kuning
150 ml minyak zaiton 
2 sudu besar Keju parmesan - parutan
  sedikit Serbuk lada putih
  sedikit Garam 

Kaedahnya, cairkan mentega dan goreng kiub roti.Goreng sehingga garing dan rangup. Kemudian angkat dan ketepikan. Seterusnya, hancurkan filet ikan bilis Kemudian masukkan bawang putih, kuning telur, jus lemon dan perlahan-lahan masukkan minyak zaiton. Pukul sehingga adunan sebati. Tambahkan secubit garam dan serbuk lada putih.
Setelah itu, curahkan adunan tersebut ke atas salad campuran… dan gaul rata.Akhir sekali, hidangkan salad campuran tersebut bersama kiub roti tadi dan taburkan parutan keju parmesan.Caesar Salad enak dimakan ketika kiub roti masih garing dan rangup.

The anchovies fillet that I bought from Cold Storage


  1. salam kak ayu,
    wah...salute kak ayu... turun 7 kg permonth? makan salad ari2 kak? huwa... kalu saya, memang tak tahan. oh, jangan tergoda ngan kata2 saya. Teruskan usaha kak. My Hubby pun dok bising suruh saya exercise. huhu.
    saya tak pandai buat salad. nampak ni, macam tergoda pulak :)

  2. indahhouse - walklm, hahaha..oh itu dulu masa k ayu kerja..lepas 1 bulan aje, terus cari nasi..haha..sekarang
    lagi ler..asik maaaaakkkkannnn aje..hehe exercise nya tidak..


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