Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Cucur Udang Rangup

Salam, while I am typing this, I have difficulties in swallowing my own just got so hard to swallow when it pass through my throat, felt like telan seketul  'batu' you know.....I suspect its the tonsillitis again....aduh sakitnya..feeling feverish now...apa2 pun I still want to update my blog today...

Made the cucur udang this morning for breakfast...yalah ...snacks like this if were to prepare in the morning, kenalah wake up earlier then usual kan...When it says 'Cucur Udang Rangup',(Crispy Prawn Fritters)..nice to eat when it still for the sauce, I didnt use the below recipe but use my own chili sauce recipe.

3 cawan tepung gandum -( 3 cups plain flour)
4 cawan air - (Ayu gunakan 21/2 cawan air)-(4 cups water- Ayu used 21/2 cups only)
1 sudu kecil baking powder-dilarutkan dengan 1/2 cawan air panas-(1 tsp baking powder- dissolves in 1/2 cup hot water)
1/2 sudu kecil bicarbonate soda-(1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda)
2 sudu besar udang kering - direndam dan dikisar-(Ayu tambah)-(Ayu added -2 tbsp dried shrimp-soaked and minced)
1 biji bawang besar dihiris halus-(Ayu tambah)-(Ayu added -1 large onion sliced thinly)
Taugeh, daun sup dan daun bawang secukupnya-(Bean sprout, chincese celery and spring onions to estimate)
udang sederhana besar dalam 20 ekor anggaran-(medium size prawns about 20 pcs)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
sedikit serbuk kunyit-(some turmeric powder)

Masukkan dan gaul semua bahan cucur kecuali larutan baking powder. Setelah sebati, masukkan larutan baking powder tadi. Biarkan adunan selama 15 minit sebelum menggoreng. Sementara itu, panaskan minyak bersekali dengan senduk acuan. Bila minyak panas, masukkan adunan kedalm senduk dalam anggaran 2 sudu besar.Letakkan udang dan goreng hingga kekuningan.- ( Combine all the mixture except the the dissolved baking powder. When mixed well, the add in the dissolved baking powder. Let it stand for 15 minutes before frying. Meanwhile heat oil together with a ladle mould. When oil are readily hot, add 2 tbsp of batter onto the ladle, place a prawn on it and fry till golden yellow.)

Ingredients for Sauce:-
8 biji cili merah-dibuang biji-(8 red chillies -seedless)
2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
2 ulas bawang merah-(2 shallots)
1/2 cawan air-(1/2 cup water)
1 sudu  besar tepung jagung-(1 tbsp corn  flour)
1/2 sudu besar cuka-(1/2 tbsp vinegar)
(kisar cili dan bawang. Masak cili dengan air atas api. Kemudian masukan tepung jagung(kacau dgn 3 sudu air) dan cuka.kacau terus sehingga agak pekat dan angkat.)-(Minced chillies, shallots  and garlics. Mix chillies and water and put to boil. Add in corn flour(mix with 3 tbsp of water) vinegar and stir till mixturte thickens and turn off heat.)
Sources:- From the


  1. sedap...cuma saya ganti daun sup dengan daun kucai..nice song too..hehe..tq n good luck with ur experiments

  2. azhar - thank you azhar for dropping by and leaving footprints..thank u juga sudi mencuba..thanks so much for evrything..:)


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