Friday, June 04, 2010

Indian Mee Goreng

Hi, I am again..hehe alhamdullilah, my tekak, sakit dah berkurangan rasanya...walaupun ada sikit2 lagi ni...yesterday, after lunch terbongkang tertidur..haha..itu yang tak berupdate this is very seldom for me to take a nap in the afternoon kalau tak yayalah kan...

This Indian Mee Goreng, atau Mee goreng Mamak was made base on  combinations of  some recipes here and there..ever did this before, but this time I added the potatoes and beancurd in it..
Oh yes, just want to inform you guys, that the one and only  white plate above has broken..leaving me with no white flat plate for my food presentations..huhu..(itu pun nak cakap eh?)

500g yellow noodles-(500g mee kuning)
1 hard beancurd sliced- fried and put aside-(1 keping tauhu dihiris dan digoreng, ketepikan)
2  fish cakes sliced-(2 keping kek ikan dihiris)
some fresh prawns-(udang ikut suka berapa banyak)
bean sprout-(taugeh)
chye sim-(sawi)
3-4 tbsp chilli paste-(3-4 sudu besar chili kisar)
2 tbsp meat curry powder-(2 sudu besar serbuk kari daging)
3 tbsp black soy sauce-(3 sudu besar kicap pekat)
2 tbsp tomato sauce-(2 sudu besar sos tomato)
1 big onion sliced-(1 biji bawang besar dihiris)
3 eggs-(3 biji telur)
3 green chillies sliced thinly-(3 biji cili hijau dihiris)
3 medium size potatoes-boiled and diced put aside-(3 biji kentang direbus dan dipotong dadu)

Heat oil and saute onion , chilli paste, green chillies, curry powder till fragrant. Add in prawns, sliced fish cakes,  stir and let it for a while.Add in soy sauce, tomato sauce and noodles and stir well. Add in chye sim and make a well add in the eggs and let it cook for a while before stirring. Stir well, add in sliced beancurd, diced boiled potatoes and lastly add in bean sprout , stir and turn off heat.-(Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang, cili kisar, cili hijau dan serbuk kari hingga naik bau. Masukkan udang, hirisan kek ikan, kacau dan biarkan sebentar. Masukkan kicap, sos tomato dan mee, gaul rata. Masukkan sawi dan buat lubang ditengah dan masukkan telur, biarkan sebentar sebelum kacau. Gaul rata dan masukkan tauhu, kentang rebus dan akhir sekali taugeh. Kacau rata dan matikan api.)


  1. Salam Ayu...get well soon per your request....Akak dah update the recipe...cobalah!

  2. watierman - walkslm, thank u kak, I really appreciate it very much!!


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