Friday, June 25, 2010

Nasi Biryani Sindhi

Ermm, it has been a while since I last cooked nasi biryani..saw this recipe and gave it a shot, cause normally I would cook the Bombay Biryani style , both got their unique taste which I cant describe how..and both we can accept..for the Bombay biryani, normally I would scoop the gravy and alternately layered with the rice. As for this, the recipe required, the rice to be cooked together with the meat..The rice looks like normal white rice, only different that salt were added and when its almost cooked, garam masala were added giving the rice a hind slight of spiciness in it.

I didn't follow the instructions, as I just cooked my rice the normal way cause I didn't want my chicken to be mashed or squashed when the guys scoop the rice..apa2 pun this was today's came with acar timun & nenas and fried some poppadoms to go along with it..since biryani is not Mr Hubby's favourite, I guessed this time he could forgive me cause dah lama he himself tak makan nasi biryani..(kira no choicelah ni..lazy to cook another dish...hehe)

1 kilo ayam atau daging kambing – dipotong ikut suka hati-(1kg chicken or lamb/beef cut to preference)
1 kilo beras basmati, cuci bersih dan rendam selama 15 minit-(1 kg basmati rice, washed and soaked for 15 minutes)
1 cawan tairu-(Ayu gunakn 1/2 cawan aje)-(1 cup yogurt- Ayu used 1/2 cup only)

4 biji tomato, dihiris-(4 tomatoes sliced)
4 biji kentang, kupas kulit dan hiris-(4 potatoes peeled, halved)
3 – 4 biji bawang besar, dihiris halus-(3-4 large onions sliced thinly)
½ cawan pes halia dan pes bawang putih-(Ayu gunakan 1 sudu besar pes bawang putih & 3 sudu besar pes halia)  -(1/2 cup ginger paste & garlic paste)-Ayu used 1 tbsp garlic paste & 3 tbsp ginger paste)
10 biji lada hijau. dihiris-(10 green chillies sliced)
1 cawan daun ketumbar, dihiris-(1 cup coriander leaves sliced)
1 cawan daun pudina, dihiris -(Ayu tak letak)-(1 cup mint leaves sliced)-(Ayu didnt add this)
1 ½ cawan minyak sapi atau minyak kanola, atau pun 250 gram mentega-(Ayu gunakan minyak sapi)-(11/2 cupghee oil or canola oil or 250g butter)
100 gram rempah beriani Sindhi (Sindhi Beriani Masala)-(Ayu gunakan 65g rempah beriani Sindhi-sebab 1 pkt tu 65g aje)-(100g sindhi beriani mix -Ayu just used 65g cause 1 packet is only 65g)
1 cawan kacang gajus, digoreng-(Ayu tak letak sebab tak ada stock)-(1 cup cashew nuts fried-Ayu didnt add this cause no stock)

2 sudu makan garam masala-(2 tbsp galam masala)

Panaskan didalam periuk, minyak kanola/minyak sapi atau pun mentega, dengan api yang sederhana besarnya. Tumis hirisan bawang sehingga ke-kuning-kuningan. Masukkan pes halia/pes bawang putih dan lada hijau, dan tumis selama 5 minit. Masukkan rempah beriani bersama tairu. Masak lagi selama 5 minit. Barulah dimasukkan kepingan daging, kentang dan garam dan biarkan selama 5 minit lagi. Tuang 1 cawan air kedalamnya(Ayu gunakan 11/2 cawan sebab nak berkuah lebih sikit). Tutup periuk, perlahankan api dan masak lagi sehingga ayam atau dagingnya lembut.-(Heat oil in a pan, using a medium heat, saute sliced onions till golden yellow. Add in ginger/garlic paste and green chillies and continue to saute for 5 minutes. Add in beriani powder together with yogurt. Further cook for 5 minutes. Add in meat, potatoes and salt and let it for 5 minutes. Pour in 1 cup water(Ayu added 11/2 cup of water cause wanted more gravy). Cover pan lower the heat and cook till meat/chicken are tender.)

Setelah itu hendak dituangkan semua lauk ini kedalam periuk yang lebih besar. Ratakan. Tabur diatasnya hirisan tomato, daun ketumbar dan pudina serta kacang gajus.
Sementara itu, masaklah nasi dengan sedikit garam, sehingga ½ masak. Setelah ½ masak, buang airnya. Masukkan kedalam nasi tersebut, 2 sudu makan garam masala dan gaul rata. Tuangkan nasi ini kedalam periuk berisi lauk. Ratakan, tetapi jangan dikacau. Tutup periuk serapat-rapatnya. Masak selama 20 minit. Sajikan panas-panas.-(Ayu tak buat macam ni, Ayu masak nasi macam biasa, bubuh garam bila dah 1/2 masak ayu masukkan 2 sudu besar garam masala, kacau rata dan biarkan nasi masak macam biasa.. Bila nak dihidang baru dibubuh kuah dan ayamnya, sebab  ayu buat macam ni kita tak nak ayam hancur bila di ceduk nasinya.)
-(After that, pour all the mixture into a bigger pan. Level it. Sprinkle on top with sliced tomatoes, coriander leaves, mint leaves and cashew nuts.Meanwhile cook rice with some salt added till 1/2 cooked. When 1/2 cooked, drained the balance water and added 2tablespoon garam masala and mix well. Pour rice onto the chicken/meat mixture.Level it but do not stir. Cover pan tightly and continue to cook for the next 20 minutes.Serve hot.)-(Ayu did not do this, I cooked as usual for the rice, added some salt when 1/2 cooked I added 2 tablespoon garam masla, stir well and let it till the rice are cooked. When served, I just added chicken and gravy at the sides.Reason why I did this was I dont wnat my chicken to be mashed while people scoop the rice.)
Sources:-From Mami Asmah Laili-rancangan memasak Dapur mami & recipe behind the Sindhi beriani mix box


  1. Salam kak...tu lah kan kalau kita suke hubby tak suka nak kena buat 2 3 menu tu yg malas kan...ada lg kak nasi biryani sindhi ni? anto kat e-na sikit...

  2. lovely kitchen - walkslm, betul tu,
    selalunya kalau buat bila hubby tak makan kat rumah or outstation..hehe
    tapi semalam, dah buntu nak masak apa..hantam sajalah..kiki..ok2 nanti k ayu hantar ke ena ya..

  3. maisweettooth.blogspot.comJune 27, 2010 at 4:23 PM

    Salam Kenal Ayu have add u to my blog hope u do too....nice blog u have tempted sehhhh ur food tkq for sharing....

  4. maisweettooth - walkslm, welcome to my blog, thank you for visiting ya mai, i dah link your blog dah..
    orang spore ya..sekampunglah kita..hehe


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