Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sotong Goreng Istimewa

Side dish, another varieties for squids cooking..

3 ekor Sotong (3 squids)
Daun kari secukupnya -(curry leaves to estimate)
1 sudu kecil Serbuk kunyit (1 tsp turmeric powder)
1/2 tsp Halba (1/2 tsp fenugreek)
 1/2 sudu kecil Biji sawi (1/2 tsp mustard seeds)
 1 biji Bawang besar dihiris nipis (1 large onion sliced thinly)
 1 Bawang putih diketuk (1 garlic crushed)
 1cm Halia dipotong halus (1cm ginger slice thinly)
 2 Cili dihiris nipis (2 chillies sliced)
 Garam & Gula secukup rasa - (salt & sugar to taste)

Gaul sotong bersama serbuk kunyit dan garam hingga sebati. Perap selama ½ jam.
Goreng sotong hingga garing. Angkat dan ketepikan.
Menggunakan kuali sama, tumis bawang putih bersama halia hingga naik bau.
Masukkan bawang besar, halba dan biji sawi. Kacau hingga bawang layu.
Masukkan daun kari. Goreng hingga daun kari garing.
Masukkan cili. Apabila cili layu, masukkan sotong.
Gaul sebati dan hidang.-(Mix squids with salt and turmeric powder. Marinate for 1/2 hour. Fry the squids till slightly crispy, dish out and put aside. Using the same pan, saute garlics and ginger  till fragrant. Add in large onions, fenugreek and mustards and stir tillonions are soft. Add in curry leaves and fry till crispy. Add in chillies, when soft add in squids. Mix well and ready to be serve)

Sources:-From trymasak.my

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