Monday, July 26, 2010

Finally Here..

 Finally they are here in SINGLAPOR!!!!(Marsya's version)..hehe..after 12 days of waiting..The parcel I have been waiting for has arrived....delivered all the way from Penang!..dont play-play....
Come to Singlapor leow tau...
But after tearing the brown paper, 
I saw this

Eh, apa ni?..Philips Monitor?..wah check the sender's address again...Correct mah!! come this?..I never order this what?!...Eh!..dapat lucky draw ke?..
Jantung moving at gear 4...wah dont tell me send wrongly kah?...
sekali open the box, this was what I saw

  My Apam Pan & Kuali leper!!!!
Yeh!!.Yabadabadooo...I loikkkeee..
its very light weight and the workmanship is very halus...
nice and portable!! 

Then ada oleh2 from Penang tau...on the top right hand corner tu..
Rempah kari cap TARBUS!! Confirm Singlapor tak ada...
Kalau ada mungkin cap 'Tiga Abdul'..kikiki...
Nak ucapkan million thanks to dinda Chik Mimi,
yang dah bersusah payah membeli, membungkus, mengpos dan mencalling centre
for this parcel...Kanda, 'terhutang body' ni..dinda jangan serik ya...
thank you for all the trouble dan patience..
Mudah2han rezeki Chik Mi, bertambah insyaallah..
Siapa2 yang belum ada ni..jangan jealous ...kikiki
(nak kena pelangkung dak Ayu ni agaknya..hehe)


  1. salammmmm nisfu syaaban ayu

    amboiii cekkkk dpt posto dr penang nohhhh...habaq maiii dapat free kaa hahaha...kak baru dok pikiaaqqq nak beli pan tu tau2 cekkk dpat dulu noooo...bahasa penang ni....faham ka dak???tahniah nanti cek pi buat apom lenggang kankung mcm kak buat tu tauuu???

  2. tak jeles sbb nor dah terima pub dan dah pecah dara pun hihihii... haaa apa projek nak pecah dara tu... :)

  3. Salam kak Ayu,
    Wah... saya jeles! hihi. Jauh pos tu kak. Hm, teringin nak apam ni. Nak oder? hihihi

  4. jalilah - salam juga buat akak ya..
    hahah..dapat free tahun depan kot?..kiki ..kita paham bahasa Penang ni kalau kita baca pe-lan, pe-lan..insyaallah dah ada pan ni, apon lenggang, apom rock & roll bolehlah cubakan kak..haha

    Nor - haha..kita menyakat aje Nor, kasi jeles pada yang belum order tu..hehe..project pecah dara belum terfikir algi ni..hehe

    indahhouse - walkslm, hehe..akak gurau aje nurindah..kat KL, pun ada kan?..


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