Friday, July 02, 2010

Spaghetti Seafood Marinara

Salam, hello there..I guessed, most of you guys are fasting right, insyaallah akan  berpuasa seterusnya sampai habis bayar hutang sebelum 'bendera jepun naik'hehe...rasa2nya..puasa dibulan yang sememangnya tak semua yang puasa adalah lebih banyak dugaan dan godaan yang harus ditempuhi..hehe..mana taknya..orang lain makan kita telan air liur aje..haha..lagi2
for me bila time feed Marsya and gaul2 makanan yang nak disuap..KECURRR!..seh...ish..

Well yesterday just made this spaghetti, for the kids and my break fast...dah lama jugak tak makan spaghetti ni.. as for my dad tetap nak makan nasi so still kena masak nasi and just simple fish dish for him... When break fast time, I lantak 2 pinggan kau..uish sedapnya, lepas tu minum air teh o panas 1 glass above was taken in a rush, as tak boleh tahan lapar ler.. recipe, below was based on my own style, (dulu pernah post dah lama dah).. given to me by my 'Ang Moh'(orang putih/mat saleh) ex -colleague dulu time kerja..

1 packet spaghetti
some olive oil
Boil all the above till al dente and drained.

1 small bottle PREGO' tomatoes sauce + 1 bottle water(same bottle) or more
1-2 tomato diced/chopped
1 carrot shredded
1 big onion diced
2 garlics diced/chopped
1 capsicum diced-(optional)
1 small can  button mushrooms slice
some medium prawns
some squids
$2 lala-(or mussels,optional)
1 tbsp chili powder
2 tsp Italian herbs
1 tbsp pepper
1 tbsp black pepper
1 cube chicken stock
salt to taste

mozzarella cheese shredded sprinkle on top
cheddar cheese shredded sprinkle on to
parmesan cheese sprinkle on top

Heat oil and saute garlics, add in onions and stir till soft. Add in carrots,capsicum, and stir well. Add in chili powder,pepper,black pepper, Italian herbs,chicken cube and stir. Add Prego sauce, mushrooms,prawns, squids and lala and stir well. Add in water to estimate how much runny preferred, if wants thick then less water. Add salt let simmer for a while and turn off heat.
Pour onto boiled spaghetti and sprinkle with mozzarella, parmesan and cheddar cheese. Ready and serve hot.


  1. sedapnyer kak ayu...anak fiza suka spegeti2 ni....kalau dpt kat dia mau diulang2 makan ni...he he he

    nanti nak kena try juga la buat....thanks kak ayu...=)

  2. Terliurnya.....mohon ambil resepi ni ye...anak-anak mesti suka..

  3. hafizah - anak2 akak pun suka spaghetti ni..cubalah fizah ..

    zures - silakan zures..harap2 anak2 suka ya..thanks sudi mencuba..

  4. What is the serving size for this?

  5. Anonymous - if yu used the small prego's bottle maybe about 5-6 people ..:)


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