Monday, August 02, 2010

Chicken 65

The kids menu...tried this recipe and it was good.. 2 kg chicken wings, fried for lunch and left 1/4 only for also wallup  quite a few..crunching in the curry leaves and onion rings after squeezing lime juice on the chicken...ish..worth trying...

2kg chicken wings
2 tbsp minced ginger
1 tbsp minced garlics
2-3 tbsp chilli powder-sorry just edited
1 tbsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp black pepper powder
1 tbsp corn flour
3 tbsp plain flour
1 egg
2-3 tsp water if it gets too dry
100g yogurt
salt & msg to taste
some  colourings agent- orange or red

curry leaves
onion slice in rings
lime juice

Marinate all the ingredients except curry leaves, onion rings and lime juice for a few hours. Deep fry till golden brown. Dish out, with the balance oil fry curry leaves till slightly crispy. Dish out and sprinkle on top of fried chickens. Garnish with onion rings and lime juice.
Source:-From the youtube and net.


  1. cik puan ayu, tumpang tanya ya, kenapa nama dia chicken 65 ek? hihihi sedap nampak tu.. cam biasa nak kopipes.. boleh kan :)

  2. wah ayu, the chicken looks extra delicious! nak kena try la mcm ni. maybe this weekend during potluck party kat rumah nanti. thx for the recipe! :D

  3. nyum nyum, i 1st heard of this masa tengok cerita tamil... kata orang '65' sebab ayam dibela 65 hari je, tak tua sangat jadi lagi sedap dan manis

  4. Nor - hehe..alahai ada macam2 cerita disebalik nama chicken 65 ni..ada yg cakap there 65 spices used in the recipe ada pula cakap it took 65 days to prepare this dish..haha..kita tak kiralah..asal ayamnya sedap nak 65 ke nak 100 ke..kita tak ulik..hahaha..silakn Nor
    nak c&p tu ya..

    sizuka - boleh juga shidah..ayam ni sedap makan panas2..tapikan hari tu tak sempat sejuk dah habis..hehe ..ur welcome, glad to share w u guys..

    kog - itulah kog, a lot of stories about this chicken like i said, kita tak kira numbernya..asal ayamnya sedap sudah lah kan..kakakh..boleh gitu..


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