Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Kerang Serai

Ha, ni  confirm mokcik pokcik yang punya...ever did this before too..only I changed the main character to kerang(cockles) instead of kupang(mussels)..need translations, click kat translate gadget tu aje ya..

1 cup of boiled mussels
6 lemongrass slice thinly( I used just 2 and I blended)
*3 cloves garlic
*5 shallots
*10 birds eys chilies(can add more if want hotter)
*1 inch fresh turmeric root
1/4 cup tarmarind juice
1 cup coconut milk1 cup coconut milk
*1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp oil for frying
2 turmeric leaf sliced finely
2 kaffir leaves sliced thinly

Pound ingredients 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 (me I just blended).
Heat oil and saute blended ingredients and fry till oil goes up the surface.
Add in all the ingredients except sugar and turmeric leaves.
Cooked till fragrant and stir well.
Add in sugar and turmeric leaves and stir till the leaves soft.
Turn off heat and ready to be served


  1. kak ayu..kerang serai ni dah macam ke rendang jugak ye rasanya? nak try la..memang tengah duk cari resepi kerang masak cenggini..fuh semua nak try kan???hehheee..baru je duk tengok sosej dah kuar ne nih

  2. sedapnyerrrrrr .. bak semangkuk

  3. salam kak ayu..
    wah enak ek..kite lama tak makan kerang..sini takde yg ade kerang dalam tin..x best..kalo ada jual kerang di pasar sebesar penumbuk..huhu lg takotnye nk makan tau..

    kak ayu..ada facebook tak ?

  4. izahdaut - lain sikit izah, sebab more to rasa serai .hahaha..trylah izah..sedap juga masak gini..hehe

    Nor - dah habis Nor..hehe..

    mummyseri - walkslm, hahaha..ada ke kerang besar penumbuk?..kiki..tak pernah tengok pulak akak..ish kalau ada akak pun takut nak makan..hehe

    Ada seri..


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