Thursday, August 12, 2010

Roti Sardin - 1st Day Iftar

This was the highlight for our 1st day iftar...hehe..saw this actually last year when Nor Terengganu made this for her family's iftar..quite unique actually the fillings inserted in between the halved burger buns..
I followed her techniques for preparing the buns, but used my sardine fillings which  I used the same fillings for my Vol- au -Vent. I have to add in the potatoes to the sardine, as Iqram tak makan sardine kena letak kentanglah baru dia makan...

My SIL, cukup bekenan dengan roti ni..and my brother finished up 1 whole burger buns(2 roti sardin) ada orang request lagi...have to put that to a hold first sebab baru semalam buatkan...Apa2 pun thanks ya Nor for the idea and  kita ikut cara2 Nor buat tu..

Ingredients For Filling:-
2 potatoes - (diced and fried put aside)
2 small cans sardines- (discard bones and mashed it slightly and take about 2-3 tbsp of the sauce)
1 tbsp garlics minced
1 large onion diced
2-5 bird eyes chillies sliced thinly or 2 red chillies
11/2 -2 lime- squeeze the juice
some chili & tomato sauce up to preference
celery & spring onions sliced thinly
salt & msg to taste

2 eggs for dipping-lightly beaten

For filling- Heat oil and saute garlics, chillies and diced onions till soft.Add fried diced potatoes, mashed sardine and celery . add in salt & msg to taste, stir.  Let simmer for a while, add in lime juice and stir well. Turn off heat and ready
For Bread- cut burger bun to half. Slice the centre to make a pocket. Open up and fill in the fillings.
Dip opening edge in egg and fry on a flat pan with little oil. When cooked just turn to sides and fry slightly.
Ready to be served.

Kuali yang dah banyak kali pecah dara!..hehe..Used little oil for this as tak nak rotinya berminyak sangat..itu sebab pakai kuali leper ni.


  1. kakkkkk kite pun nak masuk list lah roti ni.tapi nmpk gaya kena tuka inti sbbnya kita tak suka ngan sardin

  2. chik mimi - hehe..aah mi intinya boleh tukar, technique nya aje kita ikut Nor..senang and cepat siap..

    kog - memand syok kog..hehe

  3. betul ni..nak masuk list jjugak nih.. kak ayu, kuih limas tu mcm kuih tepung pelita jugak..lebih kurang la rasanya

  4. izahdaut - panjang dah list izah ya..hehe..ini kira list yg keberapa?..oooo kuih limas lebih kurang tepung pelita juga ya..


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