Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Tempe Rebus Asam

Salam, friends..semenjak dua menjak ni asyik tayang asam dishes aje ya..hehehe..dont be bored  ya..well that was the simplest and as for this its not hot compared to the yam stem(asam batang keladi). Recipe was from Mama Ghock, I like most of her dishes as mostly are simple dishes but sedap!!..light and tak muak...Thank you Kak Anim for sharing.

I halved the tempe to just 2,  cause the kids dont eat the fermented soya cakes, but just the gravy..

4 keping tempe, potong kecil
1/2 biji bawang besar - potong baji atau hiris
1 ulas bawang putih - hiris
1 biji cili merah, potong serong (boleh ganti ngan lada hitam)
secubit ikan bilis - bersihkan-(Ayu used ikan bilis kuib)
Air asam jawa secukupnya (kepekatan ikut selera)-(Ayu used 1 asam keping)
garam secukup rasa

Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam periuk. Masak diatas api sederhana hingga semuanya masak. Hidangkan.

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