Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cumi Cumi Goreng Garing

 This dish what normally Mr Hubby would order if the restaurants that we went serve this in their menu..Crispy Fried Cumi cumi (small squids) ...When I saw the small squids the other day..I bought 1kg of those, purposely to make this..after boiled them, looks like 1/2 kg pulak cause the squids macam shrink lah..hahaha..
Anyways, as I was too excited about cooking this dish, I overlooked 1 step!!!..I forgot to fried the squids after boiling them!!!...instead I just dump everything into the sauce after it thickens...the squids should looked  crispy as the name stated...apa2 pun tetap sedap and the taste is almost there...hehe..next time boleh buat lagi ni..

1/2 kg sotong kecil
1 sudu kecil  bicarbonate of soda
1 sudu kecil garam
(Bahan2 direbus 10 minit kemudian digoreng garing)

Ingredients for Sosnya:-
3 sudu makan tomato sos
2 sudu kecil  gula
5 biji bawang putih dikisar
2 sudu besar cili kisar
1 sudu makan worcestershire sos
garam & perasa secukupnya
daun parsley
daun salad

Tumis cili kisar hingga kering. Masukkan bawang putih, tumis lagi hingga wangi.
Kemudian masukkan sos tomato, gula, worcestershire sos, gaul hingga pekat.
Kecilkan api, masukkan sotong goreng, garam & perasa gaul rata dan matikan api. Hiaskan dengan daun parsley dan daun salad ketika menghidang.
Sources:-From Arni Maoni@Resipi ceria keluarga


  1. salam kak ayu, ada lagi ke...nak sikit..nampak sedapp tu...

  2. mas - walkslm, oh dah lama licin mas....hehe..

    kog - dah lama tak bersuara kog..rindu lah...

  3. Salam pagi ayu, lagi bobok erk?? Wah marsya sarapan kek ya...taste mat salleh ni...hihi...sotong tu nampak sedap la ayu tapi dorang ni bab sotong ada kureng sikit,nanti knur sorang yg nak kena habiskan...haha.

  4. Nuridah - walkslm, kak, wah pagi2 dah meronda ya..hehe..kita sibuk dengan marsya nak pergi sekolah, tinggal si iqram aje yg tak sekolah..
    sampai esok..

    sotong kecik2 si iqram & marsya tak makan, yg makan orang besar aje..hehe..
    kalau sotong besar iqram makan..rumah kita sotong laku macam kacang putih..hehe


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