Friday, October 22, 2010

Sicilian Orange Cake

The talk of the blogs and the sensational cake from the famous Rima..most already tried this cake..and most are happy with it..Teruja, with all the feedbacks, I tried it the other day...ermmm, when the cake was still baking the smell of the orange aroma, made the house fresh and emit the smell of belacan in the soon the cake was bake, let it cool for while, I cannot tahanlah....quickly snap a few shots and ngap a slice into my mouth...waduh2!!! Tijah!!(Ika jangan tersedak pulak ya) lembut and Rimaaaaaaa, you know what this cake is so sedap lah!!!..memanglah akan ku buat lagi kek ni!!..The life span of this cake did not reach 24 hours as it was gone right under our noses..!!!!hehehe..

As usual, I have to reduce the sugar, for my parents sake..and they also love it very much!!
Eh! Marsya pun sukalah cake ni!!...So Rima, I minta izin post the recipe here too ya..Thanks too for sharing.dear!

250 g lightly salted butter, at room temperature, plus extra for greasing
250 g caster sugar-(Ayu used only 190g)
4 medium eggs
1 1/2 tsp finely grated orange zest ( Ayu added 1 whole orange zest)
250 g self raising flour
85 ml freshly squeezed orange juice-(Ayu used sunquick)

For the icing:-(Ayu didnt do this)
125 g icing sugar
5 tsp freshly squeezed orange juice

Preheat the oven to 170C. Grease and line a 22-cm clip-sided round cake with non-stick baking paper.

Using an electric whisk, cream the butter and sugar together for 4-5 minutes(Ayu whisked for 15 minutes) until very pale. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, beating very well between each one, if necessary adding a spoonful of flour with the last egg to prevent the mixture from curdling. Beat in the orange zest. Add the flour all at once and mix in well, then slowly mix in the orange juice.

Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 45-50 minutes or until a skewer, inserted into the centre of the cake, comes out clean. If it starts to brown too quickly, cover loosely with a sheet of lightly buttered foil.

Leave the cake, in its tin, to cool on a wire rack, then carefully remove the sides and base of the tin and peel off the paper. Put it onto a serving plate.

For the icing, sift the icing sugar into a bowl and stir in the orange juice until you have a spreadable consistency. Spread it over the top of the cake, letting it drip down the sides, and leave to set. Serve cut into slices, and store any leftovers in an airtight container.


  1. salam ayu,

    hehehhe.. dah jangkit kat sini dah virus sicilian orange cake tu. sedapkan? i yg tak suka cake ni pun sgt2 suka kek tu :D

  2. merata2 sicilian oren ni berjalan...mas pun dah buat...terasa lagi kesedapannya....nak sepotong kak...

  3. adusss berkenannyer loyang tuh huhu

  4. Ello Ayu...akak nk try pulak kek ni...pasai ramai dok kata sedap...kena lah buat..takut mati kempunan lak...acuan tu cntik lah Ayu..!!!

  5. Ayu
    Toksah lah cakap gitew.. I malu meow leh.. glad u suka banget.. i also suka that cake.. tak jelak jelak :o)

  6. salam kak ayu..
    amboii cantik betul kek ni..mmg sesuai dgn namanya..
    tak penah mkn lagi..
    selalu berangan nak masak mcm akak masak..tapi in my dream je kak..huhu

  7. salam kanda cayang huwa cini pun ade ye adeh beh tahan.kak mouldnya cantikkk ma

  8. Hi darling sis Ayu.....always amazing, and tempting recipe arr.....nama dah sama..cuma rumah jer tak sama eik...kalu idak, dpt la makan free berhari2.....yang sedap2 lak tu......:)))))))))

  9. Hi there,
    May I know if the cake mould that you used to bake this cake is from Nordic Ware? I am trying to find this particular mould from the Nordicware catalogue but I can't seems to find it.I would appreciate it very much for your reply.Thank you...and wonderful cake.

  10. sizuka - walkslm, haha..jangkitan nya bukan main kuat lah shidah..memang sedap kek ni..

    mas - aah mas, dah ramai yg buat sampai akak pun lost count siapa2 yg dah try..nak sepotong?..sory dah habis ler..hehe

    knor - loyang aje bekenan nor?..hehe cubalah keknya sedap ..haha

    kak norli - aah kak, trylah haha..gula nya tu akak adjust ya..

    Rima - haha...jangan malu meow, betul apa..haha..yes this cake is simple, light yet very filling..thanks rima..ada cake recipe yang best2 post lagi lah k..hehe

    fara- walkslm, cubalah fara..jangan tunggu lama2 pi buat..hehe

    chik mimi - aah mi, kanda dah terkena virus jangkitan kek oren ni..beh tahan ..haha

    Ayu safieza - hahah..kalau duduk dekat mesti orang panggil ayu tua & ayu muda..yang tua tu akak lah..hehe

    shereen - yes the cake mould is from nordic ware...not too sure about the catalogue maybe certain countries did not carry this model?..thanks shereen for dropping by..

  11. Salam ayu,

    sorry ayu,semalam knur keluar pergi ICA sebab si boy hilangkan IC dier ngan wallet sekali...sebab tu ayu dia masuk cepat pun bagus lah...sib baik mood kak nur ok.

    Ayu,next time apa2 yang ayu berkenan go ahead aje tak payah tunggu kak nur reply...hehe sian ayu...kak sebenarnya baru bangun tidur hahaha...sebab semlm kak nur tak leh tidur asyik batuk2

  12. Ayu,cantik nya kek ayu tu..rasa mcm nak capai aje...naik gebuss gitu...cake mould tu cantik sekali.

    Sorry sekali lagi ya time kak nur sambung cerita lagi erk dah panjang grandmother stories.

  13. salam kak..
    akak guna silicon pan ke?


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