Friday, December 31, 2010

Boxing Chicken

Ok this would be my last entry for the year 2010...I guessed those food pictures which has been lining up, will have to wait till next year...Its ok food pictures wont turn bad or stale right..heheh...
Made this to go along with the mee hoon goreng taucho below...ever made this before, as the recipe was one of my earliest posting when I started blogging early  last year..this time, I adjusted to my preference and quantity..but you can  adjust according to your liking too ya..
Kids love this..can be for snacking or to go along with any main coarse meal....

With this, would like to wish all friends a Happy New Year, may all be blessed with good health,
phosperous and happy with your love ones. See ya next year!..

  • 18 ketul kepak ayam-(Ayu gunakan wingstick )
  • 3 sudu kecil serbuk lada sulah
  • 11/2 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam
  • jus limau nipis-(Ayu gunakan dalam 5-6 biji, lumurkan)
  • garam 
  • secubit serbuk perasa-(Ayu tambah)
  • bread crumb
  • 2 biji telur (dipukul dadar)
  1. kepak ayam dipatahkan dua di bahagian tghnya. lepas tu ambil bahagian yg byk isi. kikis dan terbalikkan isinya ke atas. biar tinggal tulang jer di bahagian bawah.
  2. lepas tu perap ayam tu dgn lada sulah, lada hitam, garam dan jus limau nipis. perap selama mana anda suka.
  3. setelah diperap, ambil ayam tu, celupkan pada telur dan lepas tu terus celup pada bread crumb.
  4. goreng hingga masak dan keemasan warnanya 


  1. WOW, this looks so crunchy and delicious!!! :D

  2. Salam kak,

    happy 2011 kak, thanks for always sharing wonderful new recipes...lap uuuuu!!!! apapun besok jugak nak masak tu lala serai...tak leh angsss nak capai jer semangkok

  3. Kak Ayu...

    Happy New Year......emmmmuah!!! errr ada lagi ke boxing chicken? :)

  4. delicious chicken Ayu, happy new year and have a wonderful year ahead!

  5. Happy New Year Ayu!! I'm glad that we get to know each other thru blogging. :)

  6. Have a wonderful year Ayu.. stay healthy and keep on baking.. :o)

  7. happy new year k.ayu...looking forward to c ur new cooking n baking recipes day to day for 2011..maybe 2011 recipe from you for this year...kekekekeke...

  8. Salam Ayu..

    Dah beberapa kali tengok resepi ayam ni tp tak buat2 juga...nampak sedap.
    Menarik kisah cuti2 Ayu sekeluarga ke Hong Kong..byk tempat dilawati..yg lucu kisah Ayu naik roller coaster tu...kalau saya mmg sah2 awal lagi angkat tangan...mmg penakut tak berani naik.
    re; Syazrin dan Syakirah mmg seiras...Syazrin suka kalau org cakap dia sama dgn adiknya.

  9. salam..
    selamat thn baru..semoga lebih bahagia dan ceria..
    kak..sempena singgah ni nak gak merasa chicken boxing mouth watering..

  10. love2cook - thanks love, cubalah love..

    paty's kitchen - yes kak, rangup ni..happy hew year kak.

    yat maria - happy new year to u & family juga ya yat!..
    rasanya, this year, tak boleh nak blogging selalulah yat..haish..:-(

    ayu safieza - Happy new year to you too Ayu!!..
    boxing chicken dah kena boxing masuk dalam perut..hehehe

    jess - Happy New Year to you Jess, Thank you for dropping by
    and thank you for being my cyber friend..

    Sizuka - Happy New Year to you too Shidah..
    Thanks, shidah, me too am I glad we met here too!!!nak nangis ni..huhu

    Rima - Same to u too Rima.
    Happy new year & have a great one..
    Hope we can learn more from each other ya..

    farrah - Happy New Year to you too Farrah.
    Will definitely try those recipes from the 'gift' know what I meant kan?..heheh

    mamasya - walkslm, aah mama, resipi ayam ni memang dah lama ada kat myr, tapi nak kikis ayamnya tu sakit pinggang nak mengerjakannya..heheheh
    hahaha..kita menyesal betul naik roller coaster tu tau ma, haha..tak kan ku naik lagi
    ler..syazrin & syakirah memang seiras..dia sayang adiknya tu ya..

    faradean - walkslm, selamat tahun baru juga buat fara & family..
    Nak merasa ayam boxing ni kena pakai seluar boxing dulu ler fara..hahahaha..
    sorry akak joking aje ya..


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