Monday, December 06, 2010

Chicken In Basket

Another Ramadan's menu yang long overdue to be posted here...When I was blog walking, I came across this blog which has beautiful pictures of food presentations and yummy recipes..Got hooked, was very impressed, browse her blog and  my eyes stopped at this chicken in the basket recipe..
It reminded me of 'Mad Jack' the restaurant which serve halal steak in Jalan Kayu.. they do served this chicken in basket too, so, I gave it a try and definitely it was worth trying...

Recipe from Judith, who is staying in Switzerland. Original recipe was in Bahasa Indonesia, I googled to translate and posted it here. My mistake was I didnt googled earlier cause I thought 'tepung terigu' was tepung ubi(tapioca flour), so I used that for my chicken..heheh.. that was why my chicken looked different ..luckily the taste was still ok..phew.. So Judith, saya minta izin posted kan recipe nya disini ya.. Thanks a million for sharing..

For my  blogger friends, guest, visitors, where ever you are, I would like to wish Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1432...Semuga dengan kedatangan tahun baru ini...kita menjadi seorang insan yang tidak lupa diri dengan apa yang kita ada dan pertingkatkan lagi amalan kita..insyaallah..
Sorry  at the moment ada sikit busy...Nanti I jalan2 kerumah teman2 ya...masak sedap2 tau..hehe

10 pieces of chicken thigh on the country below, can be cut apart-(Ayu used chicken drumlettes)
2 tablespoons cornstarch
200 gr flour, sifted
1 / 2 liters of cooking oil, can be added again
1 chicken egg
1 / 2 tsp chili  powder
1 tsp fine salt
1 teaspoon instant chicken broth / Maggie
1 tablespoon cornstarch

1. Clean the chicken thighs and pat dry. Pour the pepper, salt and instant chicken broth mix until incorpoarted, add egg and 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Continue to mix until all ingredients well incoparated. Set aside until 30 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, mix the  flour and 2 tablespoons of cornstarch.  Use this flour mixture as dressing chicken before frying.
3. Heat the cooking oil, till  hot, immediately reduce heat to medium.  Take the chicken that has been mixed with spices, one by one roll over flour mixture. Then fried until golden and cooked. Remove and drain. Serve while hot.

 - At the time of frying, the chicken should be completely submerged in hot oil. Turn chicken with a gradual manner so evenly browned.
 - Mixture of wheat flour with the cornstarch does not need to be given more flavor, because the flavor that has permeated the chicken will soak itself also in the flour mixture when fried later.
- Use enough oil and heat over medium heat to fry, so it cooked to seep into the bones.
- Chicken balance can still be served,  the next day by reheating -bake in the oven a few minutes.
Cooking oil for a one-time use, it might seem a bit cloudy, do not be discarded.  Can be filtered and stored.


  1. Salam Ayu,

    dah mlm ni baru dpt masuk sini..hmm shoutbox tu tak nk muncul lagi la...hihi dier tak suka ngan knur gaknya...hahaha padan muker akak.

    Nasi Serai kat bawah tu nampak tempting..ayam pulak mengiurkan mata...mcm nak cekup aje..

    Ayu, sabar ya..knur dah baca cerita ayu tu..sian ayu kan! Don't know what to say la ayu...hanya Allah yg lebih mengetahui..moga ayu lebih ceria selepas insiden ini...anggap ini satu permainan dlm dunia blogging...knur amik balik senapang gajah erk.

  2. kak..meh masukkan ayam tu dlm basket sy ..hihi..

  3. love2cook - thanks love, bila2 cubalah..

    nor - sikit lebih kurang adalah nor..hehe..

    nuridah - walkslm, alahai kak, kadang2 memang gitulah kak shoutbox tu, kena buka refresh baru ok..

    yalah knur, lepas masukkan posting ni semalam, kita terus tutup pc, tak nak tengok least dah cool downlah sekarang..mudah2han kita lebih tabah dan 'KEBAL'dengan nasty comments macam tu kan knur..lain kali tak kasi chance, kita nak DELETE aje..kasi hantam sama dia..nasib baik kita tak gunakan senpang gajah knur tu ..hehe terimakasihlah knur kasi pinjam ya..hahah

    faradean - hahaha..silakan fara..hehhe

  4. salam kak ayu...terus rasa lapar lak

  5. nak ayam basket... ak ayam basketttt... ngn basket2 sekali antar kat stulang!!!... *sambil hentak2 kaki hehe*... kak ayu cayang, bila nk jumpa ni... org nk turun jb ni... hehe... email pleaseeeeeee... ;)

  6. ayu, salam maal hijrah. dah few days i tak upload gambar masak2 so my "house" takde makanan. kalau nak datang, bagitau awal2 ye. nanti I masak sedap2.. hehe

  7. hani - hehe sayanglah hani, ayam ni bulan puasa punya....hehe

    anawahid - wah siap dengan basket2 sekali ana nak ya..oh ya ke nak turun jb bila tu? ke?..ok my email is

    shidah - hahah..tak apa shidah, shidah masak kan nasi kebuli tu cukuplah ..hehe..ayam 2 ekor ya..amboi! nak makan ke nak metekedarah?..hehe

    vittle me this - thanks for dropping by my blog.

  8. Tempting and perfect for the children. Ayu dah ok ke, jangan biarkan blood go upstairs lama-lama. Anyway kata orang sini "buat dek" aje jangan layan sangat. You got many supporters here who love your creativity in cooking. Don't give up coz you are simply the best. I really love your blog.

  9. Paty's kitchen - Alahai kak, thanks for the comforting words!!...M really touched. I dah ok actually, tapi pasal my son pakai pc itu yg tak boleh nak update..hehe..really glad to hear from you guys, although kita tak pernah bertemukan..thanks again kak.


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)