Monday, December 13, 2010

Mee Rebus

In a week , there would be noodles in our menu, does not  matter if its the fried, soupy or boiled type, sure to be at least 1-2 menu ..If not maggi mee lah..hehe, Made this yesterday..for brunch..Since we had  wedding lunch invitation, I thought, this could be 'alas perut' before we have the heavy one around 2-3 o' this was also quite heavy lah..heheh....Repeated menu...,recipe was from mum..she cooked hers this way, so here it is as what my mum thought me...If you would like to try, please adjust according to your preference ya..

Ingredients for Gravy:-
160g-200g beef sliced and boiled keep some of the stock
*120g dried shrimp washed & drained (udang geragau kering)
*3 tbsp salted soya beans(taucu)
(*blended till fine)

1 tbsp minced ginger
1 tsp minced garlics
1 tbsp chili paste
5 tbsp minced onions
3 tbsp meat curry powder
(mix into paste)

1 big onion sliced
2 lemon grass bruised
1 inch galangal bruised
3 tbsp corn starch(mix with some water)
1 thumb size tamarind pulp mix with 1/2 cup of water
4 tbsp sugar or to taste
salt and MSG to taste
water to estimate

Heat oil and saute sliced onions and lemon grass. Add in paste and stir well.Add in boiled beef + some of the water. Add in shrimp/salted soya beans mixture, galangal and stir well. Add in tamarind juice and water. Stir in corn starch and see how thick you preferred the mee rebus gravy. Add in sugar, salt and MSG to taste. Let it simmer for a while till cook. Ready.

Ingredients for noodles:-
1 kg yellow noodles (immersed in boiling water)
bean sprout(immersed in boiling water)

chinese celery and spring onions sliced thinly
fried shallots for garnishings
lime juice
green chillies sliced
1-2 hard beancurd fried and diced
boiled eggs


  1. salam kak ayu, datang nak ngendeng mee rebus semangkuk, nampak sedapp sangat...

  2. salam Ayu

    Anak bujang I tengok gambar mee rebus you..dia dah sound umie bila nak bikin mee rebus cam gini...hahahahaha nanti I ambil resipi you ya...sedap sgt nampaknya...

  3. mas - walkslm, boleh2 masuklah mas..
    nanti akak ambik kan ya..hehe

    mak peah - walsklm, oh ya gee? eh ur son pun ada sebelah ke? son kalau ada sebelah bukan dia nak tengok blog mama dia, dia nak pakai computer kalau dia duk sebelah ni..suruh kita cepat pakai..hahah..
    silakan gee, nanti feedback mcm mana ya..


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