Friday, December 10, 2010

Palm Sugar Huat Kueh

Ok this was one of those unsuccessful experiment that I said earlier..It was suppose to be  Palm Sugar Huat Kueh, but  end up looks like an Apam Gula Melaka..hahaha..
As usual, when comes for recipes that uses palm sugar I would like to go for it..when I saw this recipe in
 QQ Red Apple. blog, I was tempted to give it a shot...I challenged myself if I could get the 'open mouth' huat kueh that would be something  great...End up, very 'virgin' huat kueh..wakakaka

Anyhow the taste is acceptable to my family.. with the taste of palm sugar & coconut milk  (lemak2 santan dengan gula melaka)    gives this kueh a very filling  to the tummy. Not sure if it was suppose to be eaten with grated coconut, but as we got the  'malay' taste in us, I just steamed some white grated coconut (adding some salt & pandan leaves) to go along with it...
Thank you QQ Red Apple for sharing this.. Your Huat Kueh sure made me envy you!!..

Source: Amy Beh, Jo's Deli and Bakery
2 large eggs
80g soft brown sugar
130ml water
130g palm sugar
5 pandan leaves
130ml coconut cream-(Ayu used 150ml)
250g cake flour
1tbsp double action baking powder


1. Boil water and palm sugar and pandan leavestill dissolved, cool completely before add in coconut cream. Set aside.
2. Beat eggs and brown sugar till fluffly and lightly, fold in sifted flour and baking powder, then mix in coconut syrup to a smooth batter.
3. Pour into small moulds or pan, steam for 30 minutes over rapid boiling water.

1. It taste really nice with soft textures,moist and fragrant cake.
2. Store this cake in refrigrater during hot summer cause it contains coconut milk.
3. If you don't have mini cups, just steam it in a pan or even rice bowl.
4. Make sure the water is roaring bowl before you start to steam them or you will not get open mouth huat kueh.


  1. Salam kak ayu. wah best je tgk apam ni;)
    msti lembutkan..bile2 nak cubelah..

  2. Hi Ayu,
    To get opened mouth huat kueh is very important to make sure 'roaring boiling' water before you start to steam your huat kuih. Succes!!!!!!!!!!!
    p/s: u have 3 lovely kids!!!!

  3. Hi Ayu, If you don't declare it no one will realise it. Well look as one of your creativity especially with the red skirt the apam is wearing. You still managed the short fall well. It looks better with the red skirt.....

  4. slm k'ayu....apam ni looked smooth jer...mesti sedap ni..

  5. Kak Ayuuuuu....pergh...berderet ni entry...tak dan nak kejau ni....:)....rajin betul kakak ku sorang ni......

    Back to my entry...yang pakai baju belang2 my sister.....heeee (in the pc kat cameron tu..) it is not me...I always jadi makhluk perosak gambo....that's was why I chose to be the photog...:P..

  6. mummyseri - walkslm, lembut pun tak berapa lemut jugalah seri, ada sikit mampat gitu..tapi rasa gula melaka & santan tu memang oklah pada kita..hehe

    QQ red apple - Hi there, thanks for dropping by.. yes I did as what was told really roaring boiling..i thought my steamer was quite high from the boiling water below, then i topped up the water to higher level so that when it boils it would be quite near to the moulds, but still my huat kuih refused to open hahahaha...its ok will experiment with it agin next time. Thanks for sharing the recipe, hope for success next time..:-)

    paty's kitchen - oh ya ke kak?..hahah aah eh kalau i tak declare mesti orang ingat kuih apam..tapi tak boleh juga kak, sebab other bloggers yg bukan melayu mesti kenal dgn kuih ni so tak boleh lari ler..hahaha

    ida dapur - walkslm, ida, oklah pada kita masih boleh diterima, lemak2 manis gitu tapi kalau dapat apamnya merekah lagilah selera makan..hehe

    ayu safieza - lah akak ingat itu ayu..kira kita ni samalah ya..pemalu & prefer to be the photographer kan?..haha...

  7. klu kak ayu yg buat mesti mgoda sape saje yg tgk. hehehe...

  8. moklong - ..hahaha...kembang montot akak sekejap ..hahhaa..thanks for the compliment & dah lama juga tak sengar suara ya.. moklong baik?....upah ambik lah 2 ketul huat kueh ni buat rasa ya ..heheh

  9. kak ayu, seri dah buat huat kueh..tapi misi gagal lah kak..tak buka mulut pon so mmg takde senyuman pon..huhu sedihlah..pasal agaknya ye kak..bila2 nk cuba lagi smpai dia senyum ke telinga kalo boleh..

    apapun tq kak kongsikan resepi tu..

  10. mummyseri - alahai seri,sorry ya... kita serupa nampaknya ..mengikut saranan tuan punya resepi gunakan api yg besar..itu pun akak dah buat tapi huat kueh akak pun tak nak senyum..dia tutup rapat betul sampai tak ada yg terbuka..huhu..apa2pun thanks sudi cuba ya seri..mari hug hugs..


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