Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chicken Manchurian

When I cooked fishes or crustaceans, I have to cook another type of dish for the this was for the per normal & usual chicken dish..If only I can open a chicken farm and become one of the share holders, for sure that would save some cost?..hehehe..Recipe was from  Love2cook  then saw at  Izah the Muffin lover straight away whipped out the chicken from the fridge, but didnt get to post until today..lately saw at Faradean's kitchen too.. thank you love, I adjusted slightly to give a slight 'pedas' in it ya..Sedap the kids love it...


Ingredients :~
700gm boneless & skinless chicken breasts ( sliced free form)
1 egg ~ beaten
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp all purpose flour
salt to taste
1/4 tsp coarse blackpepper-(Ayu added a bit more blackpepper powder)
little water

(B) for the sauce
4 garlic cloves ~ finely chopped
1 inch ginger ~ finely chopped
1 large onion ~ sliced
1 cup chicken broth
2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp tomato puree ( may sub with tomato ketchup) -(Ayu added 1 tomato sliced)

 2 tbsp chilli ketchup
1.5 tbsp cornstarch
1.5 tbsp water
1/2 tbsp chili paste-(Ayu added)
1 lime juice-(Ayu addded)
chopped spring onions/ corriander leaves ~ for garnishing
cooking oil

Method :~ 
In a bowl, mix ingredients (A) and leave it to marinate for 15 minutes. Deep fry the chicken pieces in oil until golden brown. Drain on paper towel.
Heat up some oil, stir fry garlic, ginger and onion(chili paste & sliced tomato). Add chicken broth, sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, tomato puree and chilli sauce. Cook until sauce boils.
Mix cornstarch with water and add into the sauce. Let it thicken.
Put in the fried chicken pieces. Mix evenly. Garnish with some chopped spring onions or corriander leaves. Ready to serve.


  1. akak pun dah buat...sedappnya tengok ayamm ni....bila la turn mas ni...he..he..

  2. wah sungguh menyelerakan menu kak ayu ni ikan sumbat tu pun sedap...baru jer mkn tapi terasa lapar blk..hehe

  3. kak ayu pn dh buat...sedapkan...mie pn nnt ade siaran ulangan lagi..

  4. ooppsss..lupa nak bg lah ayu dah tukar post utk comment.senang sikit kan.?

  5. mas - haha..tak apa slow & steady mas..

    nieza - tak apa nieza, makan lagilah..hehe..

    mimiey - tulah miey, akak baru perasan miey pun dah buat..memang boleh ada ulang tayang..

    anymz - maksud akak post untuk comment yang mana/apa tu kak?..

  6. wahh...i should try this..hehe..lapar rasa tgk gambar ni.. =)

  7. norul - cubalah norul..hehe..lapar belum lunch lagi tu ke?..haha


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