Friday, February 18, 2011

Dulce De Leche Pound Cake

If you have tried baking Condensed Milk Pound Cake, then you should try baking this DDL Pound Cake!!!..Frankly one of the reasons why I've decided to do the DDL, was because of this recipe!!..Since I have already fallen in love with the taste of condensed milk pound cake, I guessed I should go for this too, as  one of the ingredients was to used the 'Boiled' (DDL)condensed milk..hehe..

Just cant wait to try it when my DDL was ready!!..of course I  waited till the next day after boiling the cans of milk till they are really cooled..Same like the cake I baked earlier for the CMPC, & Sicilian Orange Cake this cake was gone few hours after baking it..
Saw the recipe in Jess Kitchen, straight away book marked it and here it is!!..Thank you Jess for sharing this nice recipe. I've made slight adjustment to it hope you dont mind..I put up here for the rest to try it too ya..

Dulce De Leche Pound Cake
(adapted and modified from Pichet Ong's The Sweet Spot Condense Milk Pound Cake)

250g unsalted butter, room temperature-(Ayu used salted)
240g top flour-(Ayu reduced slightly 220g)
3/4 tsp baking powder
106g castor sugar, reduced to 80g-(Ayu used 60g)
1 tsp vanilla extract
239g Dulce De Leche -(Ayu used 304g-abt 1 cup)
3 large eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 160C. Butter and flour a 9" x 5" loaf pan, set aside.
  2. Sift flour and baking powder together, set aside.
  3. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add DDL and vanilla and mix until well combined.
  4. Add the flour mixture and beat until no traces of flour remains.
  5. Beat in eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.
  6. Scrape batter into prepared pan and smooth the top. Bake in preheated oven for 60mins or until a skewer test comes out clean.
  7. Cool completely on wired rack before unmolding, serve as desire.


  1. kak ayu..
    wooww wooww woooww..
    canner kek ni kak?gebu gebas lembut n moist ye?
    ishh ishh berapa kali saya tenung kek tu nak bagi aura mendulce leceh bih..hihihi

  2. Assalam ayu...wahhh kek yang sangat gebuss nampak..glamer tu namanya dulce2 best la ...rajin ayu

  3. kanda nmpk pun meleleh ayeq liuq ni camne tu nak kena terbang p spore ke kak?

  4. sambil taip sambil telan air liur ni....glurppp!

  5. Salam Ayu,
    wah cantiknya bentuk kek tu, nampak glamer U. Bahan2 dia pun tak banyak ya

  6. Adoi...cepatnya you memproses the DDL into something else. If me lah, I am sure I akan simpan berkurun-kurun lamanya the DDL sampai berkulat baru la nak terhegeh-hegeh cari cake texture look so good and the colour also cantik and tak pucat.
    Eh, you tak pergi ke the warehouse Sale yang Rima khabarkan?I kat NZ ni macam cacing kepanasan..told my hubby, I rasa macam nak hop on the next available flight to Spore and if tak da flight, I'll swim across the ocean!Monyok I hari ni!!!

  7. huiisshh..leleh2 air liur tgk cake ni ayu..
    camne ayu?susah tak nak buat?nampak begitu halus tekstur nya tu..

  8. sedap2 marvelous2...kekekeke adessss camna la nak buat dulce tu ..mcm leceh je kekekekke...napa la k.ayu jauh nau..if berjiran syok ..leh mintak secubit hehehehe...

  9. Salam Ayu. Great! Can't wait to try, thanks!

  10. Assalam Kak Ayu...perrghh tak thn nengok kek cun dan gebus ni kak...ada lagi tak nk tapau sepotong ni..haha lately ni tak sempat nk bw dh byk tertinggal n3 akak ni...semua best2 la. p/s: nanti akak singgah ambil award yer...:)

  11. kak ayu
    baru je try condensed milk pound cake semalam..sedap sgt..
    ni kena try jugak lah DDL pound cake ni...
    mesti gebus gebas jugakkan!

  12. assalamualaikum kak..
    cantiklah tekstur kek ni..
    mmg gebu gitu..

  13. Saya suka sangat kek ni. Boleh daya letak kat blog saya? Tapi Dulce De Leche tu apa maksudnya?

  14. Kak Ayu...dinda dtg dari jauh...nak mimjam itu mould....ergh....baru bangun dr pingsang lepas tgok itu kek yang mebeles...:)))))

  15. izahdaut - kalau izah dah pernah bake condensed milk pound cake, rasanya
    lebih kurang cuma yang ni, sebab susunya dah mcm dicaramelised lah gitu..

    kak rosaliza - walkslm, haha..nama glemer lepas susu pekat direbus..hehe

    chik mimi - tak payah terbang, selam aje kespore ni..haha..

    noormasri - haha..baik terbekik kak..haha

    aidah - walkslm, aah kak bahan2nya senang nak dapat,
    cuma nak kena gunakan DDL tu aje..

    sheeren - hahaha....reason buat DDL, ni pun sebab nak buat kek nilah sheeren..hehe..
    tak sabar nak rasa macam mana what wendy said, kalau gunakan bukan the real condensed milk the colour of the DDL, ada sikit cerah, tapi kalau gunakan real punya baru nampak gelap...oh i tak pergi,warehouse sale tu,sebab my mixer is kenwood and actually waiting if kenwood got any warehouse sale, sebab i pun nak grab another bowl, for my mixer and looking out for kenwood breadmaker..hehe..
    Sheeren, you should tinggal kat sinilah..sebab banyak yang you like especially baking stuff yang you suka..hehe..kesian you.kalau boleh you swim across the ocean, alangkan bestnya kan..hehe

    anymz - buatnya senang kak, cuma bahannya yang rebus susu pekat tu..yang lain tu biasalah..kalu akak dah try buat condenese milk pound cake, cubalah yang ni pulak..

    farrah - tak leche lah farrah, rebus aje tin susu tu..kalau ada pressure cooker lagilah senang sekejap aje dah siap...kalau dekat bukan secubit farrah dapat tapi 1 biji kek akak kasi..haha

    homeKreation - walkslm, ur welcome along, cubalah..thanks juga for the info on DDL ni...

    nieza - walkslm, ok jangka hayat kek ni sekejap aje nieza, hehe..
    sibuk ya..its ok dear..slow & steadylah..ok nanti akak amik ya..thanks u for the thoughts ya nieza.

    mat gebu - hahahahha..aduh..macam mana ni..siapa nak angkat chemat?..haha

    zarin - ah kalau dah cuba buat cmpc, mesti try juga buat ddl pound cake ni..lebih kurang rasanya, cuma yang ni more caramelisedlah gitu..

    faradean - walkslm, aah fara, cubalah sedap kek ni pada akak..

    shasha catering - dulce de leche tu susu pekat yang direbus, entry ada sebelum ni macam mana nak buatnya....
    shasha, nak letak gambar cake ni diblog shasha ke?..boleh tapi pls link kan keblog saya ya..dari mana gambar kek ni diambil..itu saja syaratnya..

    ayu safieza - hahah..aduh dah 2 orang pensan..akak tak terangkat ni....
    boleh kalau nak pinjam mould ni 1 hari 10cent..hehe


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