Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy 1st Blogversary to Nieza & Mas & Award dari Mama Noor

 Happy 1st Blogversary to 2 of my good friends


Semuga perkongsian ilmu ini diteruskan hingga bila2 dan 
hopefully more to come..
its nice to have you as my friends.
Congratulations to both of you..

Award ini khas datangnya dari Mama Noor
untuk followersnya.

 Thank you ya mama for the thoughts.


  1. wahhh akak dah gantung dah...tqvm kak sudi gantung poskad tu...suka dapat kenal ngan akak...dan suka singgah blog akak yg best ni...tapi kekadang tak terkejar dgn enjin turbo akak yg laju tu..hehhe

    semoga perkenalan kita di alam maya ni dirahmati Allah selalu...syng akak....mmmhuaahx2:)

  2. maceh kak ayu sudi ambik bunga tu...
    seronok mas tau...
    moga persahabatan ini berkekalan yerk...
    ehhh..kita kan bakal besan...he..he..
    apa khabar menantu mas tu....suka masak lemak lagi ke..


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)