Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Malaysian Kam Heong Squids

 Dulu pernah buat ketam goreng kam heong ni..sekarang kita cuba dengan sotong pulak..memang sedaplah pada kita..gandingan udang kering dengan serbuk kari, dan daun kari, memang kena dengan rasanya...recipe dapat dari Tastesof Home, thank you dear owner..for this so sedap recipe..anak2 pun suka..kita masak 1kg sotong, so kita adjustedlah mana2 tu..bayangkan 1kg sotong untuk 1 hari makan!..hehe..kuat betulkan makan sotong..yalah dah masak sotong kecut!..hehehe

12 small sized squids, cut into rings (remove the film inside the body) - marinade in 2-3 tsps corn starch
2 cloves garlic, minced roughly
4 shallots, minced roughly
6 bird's eye chilli peppers, sliced
2 heaped tablespoons dried shrimp (soaked, drained then minced)

1 tbsp fish/ seafood curry powder
Generous handful of curry leaves, rinsed
1 tsp light soy sauce
2-3 tbsps water
Firstly, heat up a wok until almost smoking.  Add about 6 tbsps of oil.  Heat until hot then shallow fry the squid rings in batches.  Remember to remove as much liquid as possible from the squid before placing in oil.  You just need to quickly fry the squid, it should only take about 1 minute for a quick fry as squid gets cooked easily. Remove the squid from oil, drain and set aside.

Briefly rinse your wok and wipe dry.  Heat up your wok until almost smoking again.  Place about 2 tbsps of cooking oil and heat until hot.  Turn heat to low and add the minced garlic, shallots, chilli peppers and curry leaves.  Saute until aromatic.  Add in the minced dried shrimp and stir-fry around until aromatic.

Add the curry powder into the wok, then the soy sauce.  Turn heat up to high and add in the pre-fried squid from earlier and stir around briskly.  Add in the water.  Add more water if you want more sauce.  Stir around to coat the squid with the mixture well.  Serve hot with steamed rice.


  1. woww...sedapnyaaa...thanks for the recipes...^__^

  2. wahh..sedapnya sotong tu....nak sikit kak....terliur nengok ni...

  3. kak ayu,
    kite lunch sama2 ek..saya bw nasi kosong, akk bw squids, air, buah2an, kek, pudding...hehehhehee

  4. Salam ayu.. maintain sedap lauk sotong ni, ct tgk pun dah kecur jer kat rumah ni. kombinasi rempah kari dan aroma daun kari mmg menusuk hidung dah tu. konpom jap lagi leleh lah air liur atas keyboard..hehehe

  5. Salam Ayu...pekabo...

    Sihat dan ceria selalu ya...
    Dahla kak cek lum lunch lagi...tgk pulak lauk sotong kat sini...tambah lapo lagi perut hu....

  6. Assalamualaikum Ayu,
    Wahhhh ini sudah baguih, nampak sedap sangat sotong ni....harus udah licin dikerjakan family Ayu. Apa apa pun kita salin dulu resepinya, tks ya Ayu

  7. cik izan - your welcome, cubalah..sedap juga ni..

    mas - mas kalau kata sotong rumah akak jangan harap ada balance..heheh dah habis ler mas..cubalah ..

    hani - ok set mari akak bentang tikar, nasi kosong tu, suapkan kat akak, sebab semuanya akak dah supply..hahaha..

    ct delima - walkslm, hahaha..habis ler keyboard basah..hahah..kita pun suka dgn combinasi rempah kari dan aroma daun kari tu..hehe

    cik cek - walkslm, baik kak cek..lambat kak cek lunch samalah kita pun belum lunch..sibuk blogging aje ni..haha..

    wattie -walkslm, hahah..udah licin kak pinggan dah basuh dah kering dah..haha..silakan kak, salin bila2 bolehlah mencuba kan..

  8. glad you like it! Btw, would really appreciate if you could change the link to (You missed out the 's')

    Thanks! :)

  9. Jen - oops, so sorry..already amended it..Thank you for dropping by and share this wonderful recipe..
    We love it!!


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