Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Marbled Mocha Drops

Made this dah lama this time giliran cookie yang ni for today's entry ...well actually kita ni tengah type cepat2..sebab si budak Hasif dah duduk sebelah nak gunakan computer as hari ni dia dah habis basically dia rushed/pressured me to pakai cepat2 sebab dia nak 'release' dia punya tension after 1 week plus memeras kepala otak for his exams..hahah...

So tak boleh lah kita kasi reasons suruh belajar hari nikan..adoooihai....Apa2 pun, this cookie I pernah buat dulu.. here so this time kita buat lagi....memang sedap, rangup, chocolatey & ringan cookienya ni.. Bear in mind kita gunakan chocolate M&M  yang mini size ya for this, yang ada dijual dalam tube dalam gambar kat bawah ni....Part gula nya tu please adjust..kita tak adjust apa2 pun ..a bit sweet sebab M&M nya dah manis lah..tapi still ok..masih boleh diterima...

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup butter, softened (170g)
2/3 cup granulated sugar (150g)
2/3 cup firmly packed light brown sugar (150g)
1 large egg
1 teaspoon teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons instant coffee granules, dissolved in 1 tablespoon of water-(Ayu used 1 sachet 3-in-1)
1/2 cup coarsely chopped nuts (100g)-(Ayu didnt add this)
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (50g)
1 cup M&M’S® MINIS® Milk Chocolate Candies

Preheat oven to 350°F (175C). In a small bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt; set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugars until light and fluffy; add egg, vanilla and dissolved coffee granules. Blend in flour mixture, nuts and M&M’S® MINIS® Milk Chocolate Candies.
Remove half the dough to a small bowl. Blend cocoa powder with dough remaining in the mixing bowl. Combine the doughs and mix together just enough to marbleize, about 4 strokes.
Drop a heaping tea spoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes just until set; do not over bake. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet; remove to wire rack until completely cooled. Store in tightly covered container.
Sources:-From M&M's Recipes & Ideas.


  1. Assalammualaikum Kak Ayu, rindunya nk singgah sini...wah rajin akak buat cookies tu....hantar ler saya sebalang kak...mood mskx2 belum ada lagila kak...singgah cari mood kat dapur kwnx2 dulula..hehe

  2. Ayu mama dtg lagi. Mmg tgh cari resepi cookies cox cookies dh habis buat cemil2an. Thanks yer for the reipe.

  3. Kak ayu mewah rasa coklat cookies ni.. Saya bawa balang ni kak :)

  4. Nak buat untuk bday little laling in june la ayu.Anyway esok kak ros nak blayar gi singapore.

  5. Assalamualaikum...kalau buat ni pasti anak anak i suka..

  6. Ayu...Ck tak pernah pergi Sabah lagi jd tak bolehlah buat perbandingan. Tapi ramai yang cakap Sabah lagi best dari Sarawak.

    Apapun tunggu CK update lagi pasal sarawak ye

    Tq dtang blog kite

  7. Assalamulaikum Ayu

    sedapnya cookies, memang eloklah untuk anak2 nak kunyah depan tv kan. Entah2 tak sempat duk depan tv dah habis kot masa kat dapur lagi.. hahaha. Boleh cuba ni,cuma nak ganti lain lah untuk coklat M&M tu.. hehehe. Derhaka cara baik bolehlah eh ayu... hihihi

  8. Dear Ayu,

    I just discovered your amazing blog abt a week ago. And I have tried few of your recipes. I must say, you are truly an amazing cook and incredible mom. Ur hubby and kids are so so lucky to have you. The food/cakes/cookies you posted make me wanna be your kid! hahaha! I simply love love love your blog!

    Anyway, one simple question: The äll-purpose flour"u used in your recipe are those "Tepung kegunaan am (the cheap one)"or pillbury's all purpose flour?

    Thanks! :)


  9. berdosakah aku kalo masok sini selalu... huhuhuhu... *ayat x leh tahan tgk godaan semua yg dh lama tertinggal huhuhu...*

    hadoyaiiii... kak yu sayanggggg... nk tempah kukis ni tuk raya nanti... ekekekeke

  10. Assalam...Ayu...adeeeiii, nampak sungguh sedap, sungguh crunchy aje gayanya kukis kalau duk depan tv...sebalang pun habis tanpa sedar ni..hehe

  11. Assalam Ayu,
    ada lagi ke cookies tu....rajin betullah wat cookies..kalau Yatie, tunggu raya nanti baru mood mengookies tu dtng..kalau time mcm ni,hah3..takde ler jawabnya...malas tulllll...

  12. nieza - walkslm, nieza, miss you too dear..shukur nieza dah selamat mengerjakan umrah ya..mood masak2 kejap lagi datang lah tu..bila perut terasa lapar..hehe
    nak sebalang?..tak boleh..kena share2 dengan kakak2 & adik2 kat bawah ni..ini nieza, & hubby akak kasi 2 each..ya..haha

    mamahawa - heheh..what a coincidentkan mama..silakan ma, harap cookie ni kena dgn selera mama & family..

    juwita - hahah..tu dia satu balang tak boleh nak ambik 2 each for your family aje..
    sebab ramai yang nak share ni..heheh

    puan ros - silakan kak ros, ..wah nak berangkat hari ni ya..semuga selamt sampai & selamat pulang ya kak ros..enjoy your holidays k..nanti kat airport ada red carpet terbentang tau..heheh

    nazrah - walkslm, aah anak2 akak suka sebab ada m& m nya tu..cubalah nazrah..

    cik kamoo - oh thank you juga buat cik kamoo for the least kita tau where to start kan..heheh..ok nanti kita tunggu ..tq juga cik kamoo keblog kita ni..

    ct kamoo- walkslm, bukan anak2 aje yang kunyah ct..mak/bapak atuk/nenek anak pun sekali sekaki..hehe..betul tu kat dapur aje dah lesap berapa keping..hahah..
    silakn ct kalau nak mencuba & derhaka..wakaka....

    Elly - thank you Elly for dropping by and for the nice compliments....
    the recipes here are actually what i cooked everyday for my family...heheh..
    by looking at the malay words u used, i guessed you can understand malay well..
    yes the 'all purpose flour' that i used, was the normal 'tepung gandum,' or the 'plain flour' or 'tepung serbaguna' and yes the cheap one..hehe.. hope to hear more often from you..

    anawahid- hahah...ana!!!!!..nanti2 datang jauh2 ni ada bawa oleh2..tak?..haha
    ana sihat ke tu?..tenggelam timbul awak ya..nak tempah tak boleh sikit2 kena tempah 10 balang baru akak ambik order..wakakaka..(macam betul aje akak ni kan)..buat 2 botol aje dah terbongkang..hahah

    ummi - walkslm, hahah..betul tu kak, tak sedar..dah tinggal habuk dia ajekan..heheheh
    memang crunchy cookie ni..macam makan potato chips pulak..hahah

    yatie - walkslm, alahai kita buat cookies pun ikut mood yatie..jangan hendak ikut kita punya malas..masak nasi pun kita tak nak..hahah


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