Friday, September 30, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award From Kjee

First nak ucapkan terimakasih buat Kjee for the thoughts by awarding me this..
As Kjee cakap she dont think she deserves this, 
ooo..lagilah kita ni who is just
a blogger masakan biasa2 aje..
but then I accepted this with my open heart...
Thanks Kak, really appreciate so much..

kita pun dapat award ni dari Amie
yang memberi tugasan yang sama, so I just updated kat sini ajelah ya Amie,
Terimakasih banyak2 for the thoughts untuk kita
kita hargai so much..thanks again dears..

As the syarat no 3 & 4 are  a bit berat...kita skip that ajelah for most of the blogger friends deserve this award sudi2lah kiranya angkut ya..

There are rules to this award...
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself on the post.
3. Pass the award to fifteen bloggers that you think deserve it.
4. Lastly contact all the bloggers that you've picked for the award.

1. Thank and link back the person who gave you this award
    (Ucapkan terima kasih dan link balik kepada orang yang beri award ini)
2. Share 7 things about yourself on the post
    (Kongsi 7 perkara mengenai anda)
3. Pass the award to fifteen bloggers that you think deserve it.
    (Berikan kepada 15 bloggers yang anda rasa layak)

4. Lastly contact all the bloggers that you've picked for the award.
    (Hubungi semua yang menerima)
1 Siap!

2. a) Orang Melayu - darah Cina campur Melayu sebab ayah kita Melayu..hehe.
    b) Satu2nya anak perempuan dalam keluarga kita sebab kita dua beradik aje..hehe
    c) rajin memasak tapi tak suka menjahit
    d)suka makan makanan yang ada banyak cili padi..hehe
    e) takut nak talipon orang
    f)tak suka  argue
    g)lebih suka beli perkakas kuih dari beli baju..hehe

3. Waduh..Tak larat nak buat ni..sorry ya..
4.Dipersilakan siapa yang sudi ambil..


  1. kakayu..asai takut nak tepon org....hahhahaha....

    akak dah kena rupanya..ingatkan belum lagi...kekekke

  2. quinnie - hahahah..tak reti nak berbual lah q...dulu time arwah mother in law masih ada..pun gitu juga tak reti nak talipon berbual...
    hahah..lagi nak enquiry tentang satu2 benda tukan selalunya hubby akak punya kerja..heheh..entah darah gemuruh kot?....kalau terpaksa pun nanti cakap tergagap2..wakakaa

  3. Aiseyman Ramli...

    eh salah mak ayu,hehe...versatile blogger...wah caya lah...

    Ayu, bagusnya apa2 hubby didepan...tapi kalau kak Nur semuanya akak...tapi kak Nur dh terbiasa...keputusan nk buat pun kak Nur...cuma resept dia aje utk mendpt restu...hehe...

  4. knur - aisey bedah..hahaha..aah knur, hubby kita berani kalau bercakap maklum ler hehe..kita ni kan banyak penakut i am very timid....selalu juga kena marah dengan hubby tapi kita tak ulik part ni..hahaha....aah kadang2 tu memang kita terpaksa buat keputusan sendiri tapi harus dapat restu hubbylah kan..


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)