Thursday, August 16, 2012

Black & White Cookies

Inilah dia cookies yang lagi satu yang kita ambil recipe dari dapur Maklang..sedapp cookies ni..tapi pada kita kalau letak kekacang lagggii sedap..Bau dia aje dah macam cookies famous amos yang double chocolate pecan yang harganya  S$4.00 ++ per 100g tu..Favourite anak2, lepas berbuka dia orang makan satu satu masuk mulut...
Mama ada seram2 sejuk juga takut habis sebelum raya..hehe..sebab malas nak buat lagi bukan apa..hahaha Anyway Terimakasih Maklang dan pemilik recipe asal for this recipe minta izin dipanjang2kan disini pula..

Black & White Cookies
Sources:-From Sarah Jasmine(rNet)
Sources:-From Maklang Azie
Sources:-From Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
113g butter
80g brown sugar
50g granulated sugar
1 egg 
1 tsp vanilla
140g all purpose flour }
30g coco powder }
½ tsp baking powder } ayak
¼ tsp baking soda }
1/8 tsp salt }
200g white choc. chips

1. Pukul butter & gula…campur telur dan esen. (kacau ngan whisker je)
2. Campur semua bahan yg diayak ke dalam adunan.
3. Masukkan white choc.chip
4. Bakar dengan suhu suhu 175C selama 20’ - ikut oven masing2 wokeyyy…) 


  1. Ak-ah la... nampak cam biskut Femes Emes. Pastu kalau de kacang walnut ke perghhh memang sedap sey! Selamat Hari Raya!
    My latest Entry :)
    JJCM: Day 26th Ramadhan 1433

  2. Farah deeb - hehe betul tu farah..kalau ada kekacang lagi sedap....selamat hari raya buat farah & family ya..

  3. Salam ayu. Sya dah wat cokies ni. Mmg sedap. Sya add walnut. Mabeles. Syukran share resepi

  4. anna - walkslm .anna, alhamdullilah shukur menjadi ya anna, tulah letak kekacang lagi sedap kan..thank u anna for trying ya...

  5. Pas projek godies ank saudara ni, sya nk wat coco sesame cookies. Bahan semua dah ada, masa je lom ada huhuhu...

  6. anna - oh ya ke..just to inform you yang cookies coco sesame cookies tu..after raya hari tu..dari pemerhatian kitalah ya.anak2 tak berapa suka sangt..orang tua ajelah yang makan cookies tu, mungkin sebab ada bijan kot?..apa2 anna pandai2lah mengadjust apa yang patut ya..

  7. Hi Ayu

    The vanilla in the recipe is essence or extract? Thanks.


  8. Lyn - Hi lyn, I used vanilla essence as that is halal..If Vanilla extract so far I have not seen the halal ones..:)

  9. Hi Ayu,
    Salam 2 u! Im a chinese muslim convert but dont realy understand malay. Luv all ur recipes! If poss can u post ur recipes in eng next time??

  10. Sha - Hi sha, walkslm,thank you for dropping by.. actually way before this I've posted my entries in English and some I even posted in 2 languages..malay & english..but after sometimes I cant afford to stay too long in front of the pc by trasnlating and posting in 2 time does not permit me to do so....:(

    As for that I have already installed 'google translate' gadget on the first right hand corner of my blog..
    so somehow i hope it will help..:)


  12. Anonymous- walkslm , halal dear...;)


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)