Friday, October 12, 2012

Kek Lapis Mocha Nutella

This was one of the 3 cakes that I baked during the last Raya..tell you to bake layered cakes during fasting month, was a test of endurance..hehehe..imagine you got to sit in front of the oven ..layering layer by layer every 3-4 minutes. for almost as long until the batter finished..Panas and kering tekak beb..hehe..memang dugaanlah kira...tapi for the sake of raya..ku gagahi juga..itu pun dapat buat 1 ketul ni aje..hahah..belum lagi ambik order tukan.haha..kalau ambik agaknya memang kering kontang kita depan oven, ...Recipe from Faeez lagi..the reason why I've decide on this was because I love Mocha, and bookmarked since last year too together with the Steam Fruit Cake which I posted earlier.. 

Faeez, thank you again..for sharing this recipe..Minta izin dipanjangkan disini pula for the rest to try it too ya..

 Mocha Nutella Layered Cake
Sources:-From Chef Zaidah via Faeez@BitterSweetSpicy
Sources:-From Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction

500g butter
60g chocolate spread ( nutella)
2 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla essence


20 egg yolk
6 egg white
220 castor sugar-(Ayu used 200g)
1/2 tbsp ovalette

C (sifted)

150 plain flour ( I used cake flour)
20g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder

  1. Preheat oven at 160 deg C. Use top heat only.
  2. Cream A until softened & mixed thoroughly.
  3. Combine B in a mixing bowl & beat until thick.
  4. Add A & mix thoroughly.
  5. Fold in C.
  6. Pour 2 ladles of batter into a 9x9x3"  (I used 10x7") lined & greased baking pan (Grease & line bottom of pan only). Grill for about 1-2 minutes till golden brown.
  7. Repeat step 6 until finished.


  1. kak Ayu...kek ni pon QH bkenan sgt...amik resepi yer..tq

  2. as-salam kak ayu
    menggoda ady tgk kek lapais nutella ni..these look delicious...

  3. qh - silakan qh..masuk list ya..pls adjust sukatan gulanya tu ya sebab nutella dah manis..

    ady - walkslm, thank you ady..kek2 yang ady buat pun semuanya nampak delicious juga tau!!


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