Friday, March 08, 2013

Capati III + Beef Kheema

I made this last year during fasting you can imagine, there are still a lot more pictures that I have in my folder waiting to be posted here in my blog..its just time that matters which I dont have, to post entries everyday like I used to do during my first 1-2 years of blogging..

I have tried making capatis a few times before this, but I guesed this was my best!!..This time, I;ve added milk in the mixture and knead till really incorporated and elastic..It turned out the capati was very soft and chewy..Try it if you feel like to eat your own homemade capatis ya..
As for the kheema recipe I still used the same one..:)

300g Atta Flour(sieved)
1 cup cold water + 1 tsp salt mixed together
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp ghee

Mix all the above and knead to form a soft dough. When dough has formed, make smaller doughs about 40-50g each. Cover with wet cloth and put aside till time to eat. When time to serve roll dough to a thin layer and fry in flat pan without any oil. When ready, brush some ghee oil on the chapati to make it soft.
Serve hot.

200g minced beef (cleaned and drained)
1 big onion diced
1 tomato diced
3 potatoes diced
2 tbsp blended ginger
11/2 tbsp blended garlic
2 tbsp meat curry powder (any brand)
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
salt to taste
corriander leaves (to estimate)
water( to estimate)

Saute onions till brown. Add in ginger, garlic and tomato. Stir well. Add chilli powder, curry powder and turmeric powder and let stand for 5 mins. Add in beef , potatoes and water to cover the potatoes till cook. Leave it for 15 miniutes or till potatoes are soft, lastly add in corriander leaves before turn of the heat. Ready.


To get really soft chapatis, the trick lies in the kneading. The more you knead, the smoother the dough becomes and the smoother the dough is, the softer the Chapatis. Another secret to soft Chapatis is using fresh yoghurt or milk instead of water, to make the dough! When you're done kneading the dough and it is smooth, wet your hand with water and run it all over the surface of the ball of dough. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside for half an hour before using.


  1. kalau orang belakang lalu pun tak nampak ni...

  2. I've been looking for a good chapati recipe for a very long time. None menepati my piawaian but looking at yours and your testimony, I think I'll give it a go again. Thank you, Ayu.

  3. adda - hahah..memang pun kalau lalu belakang tak nampak kan adda..

  4. shereen - cubalah shereen, kena uli sampai lembut takes a while to to do that..i tried it too, and by adding milk somehow, it gives a soft capati chewy, one..walaupun dah sejuk dia tetap lembut..well actually tak sempat sejuk dah habis..cos i goreng pun bila ada orang nak makan ..kalau u cuba nanti feedback ya..:)

  5. assalamualaikum.....pertama kali jengguk terus tergoda....izinkan saya salin dan cuba resepi ini.(ina)

  6. Anonymous - walkslm, Ina, silakan ya..capati tu kena uli sampai betul2 tau baru bleh dapat capati yang lembut..


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)