Friday, March 08, 2013

Devil's Food Cake II

Please please dont get bored with all the chocolate cakes  featured in my blog ya... Another  version, a must try recipe the famous Devil's Food Cake. Still remember the Devil's Food Chocolate Cake which was a hit a few years ago? Just for the record, that was the all time favourite & sought for recipe in my blog!!..hehehe..thank you for those who has willingly shared the recipe and has inspired some to try it too..:)

This time, I tried another version which does not require buttermilk  or cream cheese for frosting..and yes it still gives you a very moist soft & spongy cake yet tasty chocolate ganache!!..Well honestly this type of cake is my childrens favourite..just simple no hassle cake..If you want you can just forget about the deco and just frost it plain, well without any deco I meant just pour the ganache over....As for me, heheh just 'tak ada kejo cari kejo' kind of mood..(direct translation, 'no work so find work', basically nothing better to do)...hehe
I've adjusted according to my taste and size..
Thank you David for the recipe..If you dont mind, I would like to share it here in my humble blog for my future reference and for the rest who wants to try it too..

Devil’s Food Cake
Adapted & Sources:-From David Levovitz
Tried & Tested :-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction

One 9-inch cake-(Ayu used 8')
For the cake:
9 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder-(Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
1½ cups cake flour (not self-rising)-(Ayu used plain flour cos ran out of cake flour)
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon baking powder
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature(113g)
1½ cups granulated sugar-(Ayu used 11/4 cup of castor sugar)
2 large eggs, at room temperature
½ cup strong coffee (or water)-(Ayu used 2 tsp nescafe + 1/2 cup hot water)
½ cup whole or low-fat milk

For the ganache frosting:
10 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped(283.5g)
½ cup water (or cream)-(Ayu used whipping cream)
¾ cup (1½ sticks) unsalted butter(170g)

1. Adjust the oven rack to the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Butter two 9″ x 2″ cake pans and line the bottoms with circles of parchment paper.

3. To make the cake layers, sift together the cocoa powder, cake flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder in a bowl.
4. In the bowl of a standing electric mixer, or by hand, beat together the butter and sugar about 5 minutes until smooth and creamy.(Ayu beat till the sugar & butter become creamy using a small electric mixer with high speed for at least 10-15 minutes) Add the eggs one at a time until fully incorporated. (If using a standing electric mixer, stop the mixer as necessary to scrape down the sides to be sure everything is getting mixed in.)
5. Mix together the coffee and milk. Stir half of the dry ingredients into the butter mixture, the add the coffee and milk. Finally stir in the other half of the dry ingredients.
6. Divide the batter into the two prepared cake pans and bake for 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool completely before frosting.

7. To make the frosting, melt the chopped chocolate with the water (or cream) in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water, stirring occasionally until melted. Remove the bowl from the pan of water.
8. Cut the butter into small pieces and whisk them into the chocolate until completely melted and the ganache is smooth. Cool until spreadable, which may take about 1 hour at room temperature.
(Ayu made this 1 day in advance, thank god, cos the ganache takes longer than 1 hour to be spreadable)

To frost the cake:
Run a knife around the inside of each of the cakes which will help release them from the pans. Tilt one cake out of the pan, remove the parchment paper from the bottom and invert it back onto a cake plate. Spread a good-sized layer of icing over the top. Top with the second cake layer and spread the top and sides with the remaining icing as decoratively as you want.

Storage: Cake is best the day it is made, although it’s fine the next day. Store at room temperature under a cake dome. Just be sure to keep cake out of the sun in the meantime. 


  1. Sheila - haha..anak2 suka kek ni..sekejap aje licin..:)

  2. as-salam kak ayu
    this is such a beautiful cake! Wow! :-)

  3. terlioq la Ayu....buat utk akk...hehe
    akk cuti buat kek, takde permintaan:-)

  4. Salam kunjungan pertama ke sini..suka deco2 simple mcm tu..kek coklat budak mmg suka kan...:-D

  5. As salam. The photo really make my heart melted. Seriously, make me craving for a chocolate cake

  6. Huhuhu... sangat the devil one. Making me drool like crazy! Hehehe...

  7. Salam kak ayu...pengsan tengok kek ni, mmg sedap...

  8. emmm nice and yummy...nanti nak cuba buat...dah lama dah dalam list.

  9. Ayu,
    I simply love the cake deco.. very elegant, classy and beautiful. Very well made. Please, please teach me how you do it... pretty please:))

  10. cukup2 menarik..sedap nih kak klu ada depan mata...

  11. ady - walkslm, thank you make me smile ear to ear..hehe:)

  12. zanafahmi - boleh2 kalau dah buat datang sini collect ya..hehe..
    oh..tak ada penggemar kek kat rumah akak ya...:)

  13. sury abil - walkslm, terimaksih sudi singgah dapur akak ni ya..
    aah kek coklat simple macam ni dah cukup buat anak2 akak..heheh dia orang tak suka yang berkrim..hehe

  14. Azie kitchen - walkslm, heheh kak azie, lama tak dengar khabar sihat ke tu?..kita pun dah lama tak singgah your space..nanti kita datang ya..:)

  15. Mamafami - heheh..ini devil no 2..yang devil no 1 dulu pun kuat godaannya..hehe

  16. Evelyn - walkslm, alahai akak kalau tengok kek2 lyn lagi entah pengsan berapa kali bangun balik tau..hehe

  17. mas - tak saangtlah mas, alahai kek coklat biasa2 aje ni..

  18. marsita - silakan ita..dua2 kek devil ni sedap pada kita..pilihlah yang mana suka...ngee..:)

  19. shereen - thank you shereen for the compliments..i cuma tuang ganache macam biasa..then tuang lagi bila the first ganache dah set sikit..bila dia tengah meleleh tu, i quickly guna sudu from the sides then pusingkan kek (below got turntable) push slighly to the centre as the cake turns and bila sampai tengah quickly lift up the spoon..the dotted i used piping bag yang tak gunakan nozzle, just cut off the ends and use the ganache to just dot2kan dia..itu aje..

  20. Rohah - thank you Rohah..kalau dekat dah pasti kasi rohah rasa sikit..hehe

  21. Haishhhh tak tahan air liur tengok kek akak yang gojes ni!!! Hru dear???

    First class looking cake dear! 2 thumbs up for you ;)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Salam ayu.
    Lama kita tak mengomen kat dapur awk ni. Selalu kuar masuk dapur ni tp tak tinggalkn jejak hahaha...
    Alaa tomey2 cake. Ayu n the coklat cake.... Yummy nmpak tp kita tak leh nak wat. Tak de org nk makan. Anak2 tinggal 2 org je kat rmh huhuhu... Mintk sket kat ayu bole? Hehehe....

  24. love2cook - Hi love thank you sudi singgah dan bertanya khabar..i am ok dear..cuma now very busy with the kids..especially overseeing their studies...very stress akak tau..
    thank you for the compliment dear..:)

  25. Nor Azlin Abd Rashid - Assalam dear..akak dah baca comment nor, hari tu tapi tak sempat nak reply..actually nor boleh baca comment akak kat atas untuk shereen tu ya..alahai kenapalah delete comment nor tu...sorry ya dear akak lambat reply...

  26. ana - walkslm, heheh..tak apa ana, kita tahu awak datang..hehe..awak datang sini dah cukup bahagia dah..kerana pada kita itu tandanya awak ingat kat kita..hehe..
    Kita buat chocolate cake sebulan adalah 2 kali..kalau tak cake, brownies atau pun muffins..tapi mesti nak coklat..heheh..boleh kalau nak sikit..capai ajelah kat monitor tuu.sebab itu aje yang tinggal..:)

  27. Assalamualaikum Ayu,
    Langkah kanan ni, ada kek coklat meletopsssss. TEringin sangat nak rasa kek devil airtangan Ayu

  28. salam syg kak ayu,
    pic yg dh dipotong tue yg x tahan tgok kak..nampak sgt2 sedapp..klu dekat mcm nk ngendeng jew kan:))

  29. slm syg Kak Ayu...nmpk sgt sedap kek coklat tu..deco pon simple tp mnarik sgt

  30. wattie - walkslm, heheh kita ada nak rasa air tangan akak ..bila tengok order2 yang akak buat semuanya sedap2 ..:)

  31. Zila - walkslm, heheh..boleh zila..kalau dekat memnag dapat pun..tak payah minta akak kasi..lagi2 untuk baby dalam perut tu ya..heheh:)

  32. saifusin - thank you sudi singgah kesini ya..dan thank you juga for the info..:)

  33. Qh - walkslm, saja aje QH, main2 & trial & error..hehe


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