Monday, June 17, 2013

Apple Crumble Cake

There were about 6 small apples kept pushed around,rolling  and dropping when ever I opened the fridge door..Haish..the skin were wrinkled and it seems nobody are interested in eating them..decided to do something out of it and googled for some recipes and got attracted by this recipe based on the good reviews given by those who have tried them...

Made a whole cake in an 8" tray..gave half to my friend and another to my cousin who came visiting..Definitely not my kids kind of cake..but my parents do eat them..So by giving cleared off my mind and definitely my fridge..A nice recipe that worth trying for those who love apple crumble cakes!!!..I guessed you can make into cupcakes for this recipe too..:)

Apple Crumble Cake
Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction

·         100g butter
·         100g dark brown soft sugar-(Ayu added 20g more + 1tsp vanilla essence to substitute vanilla sugar)
·         150g plain flour
·         50g cornflour
·         1 tablespoon baking powder
·         3 eggs
·         2 tablespoons vanilla sugar-(Ayu did the above and omit this)
·         1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
·         6 apples, peeled, cored and diced

·         For the crumble:
·         150g plain flour
·         125g butter
·         125g sugar-(Ayu added 20g + 1 tsp vanilla essence for vanilla sugar)
·         2 tablespoons vanilla sugar-(Ayu did the above)


To make the sponge: 
Mix the butter and dark brown soft sugar; add sifted flour, cornflour and baking powder. Finally add eggs, vanilla and lemon zest. Spread mixture in a greased springform cake tin (23-25cm). Spread diced apples over the base in the tin.-(Ayu used 8" inch tray)

To make the crumble topping: 
Combine flour, butter, sugar and vanilla sugar; rub together till the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle topping over the apples.

Bake 40-45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 C / Gas 4 / Fan 160 C.

*Vanilla sugar...
Vanilla sugar is available in larger supermarkets, or you can make your own. In a pinch, substitute 1 to 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract for the vanilla sugar in the cake, and increase the sugar to 120g.-


  1. salammmmm..
    amboi sedapnya tgk kek kak ayu tgahari mcm ni...kita nak sikit blh tak..

  2. salam kak Ayu...rajinnnyaaa akak atie nan sorang ni :D

  3. Aslmkum Ayu
    baru nak jamu mata dg nasi minyak...dah terhidang kek apple crumble. kek apple belum pernah rasa....nak ngendeng yg Ayu hidangkan ini....hi...

  4. ady - walkslmmmm,,,hahaha..ady..semua kat sini ady boleh ambil ..self service ya..hehe

  5. azatie - walkslm, hahah nak makan kena rajin atie..kalau malas tak dapt makan
    dan terkopak duit sebab kena beli anak akak ramai kalau beli dah berapa..wakakakaa..
    tapi yg ni anak2 akak tak pandang sebelah mata cissss...


  6. cik cek - silakan kak yourself ya..

  7. mamasya - walkslm, heheh..itulah langkah kanan baru nak jamu nasi minyak ada sekali apple crumble ya..heheh kita pun first time cuba disebabkan apple yang dah lisut dlm fridge ..:)

  8. Qasey honey - cubalah QH, kalau suka makan cake berperisa apple ni..


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