Saturday, March 22, 2014

Classic Chocolate Cake

Classic Chocolate Cake another repeat recipe yang kita cuba over & over again..just love the taste ..Kek ni, pun sama juga..macam kek yang the last post Giant Cupcake Red Velvet Cake buat time kita took a long break last year.. ...this was in  October for Hasif's 18th birthday..

During this period, kita sekeluarga, tengah sibuk dan runsingkan kesihatan my father..
Dia berulang alik kehospital kerana jantungnya ..lepas menjalani  Balloon Angioplasty mengesahkan 4 saluran jantungnya tersumbat..selepas procedure itu..doktor kata 'there is no point in putting the 'stent' (sejenis mesh tube yang disalurkan kesaluran  yang tersumbat)!!!.. Doktor suruh ahli keluarga berbincang dan ada 2 pilihan..go for surgery atau makan ubat sahaja..
Pada mulanya my parents fikir nak makan ubat sahaja..tapi memandangkan keadaan my father asik tercungap2 bila ambil nafas..we decided to opt for surgery..

Pada waktu inilah mum susah hati fact seluruh keluarga kita susah mum main concern was of course the finance..yalah ayah kita dah tak kerja..basically his only income is from the retirement money that he got every month..The operation costs about S$9k-S$11k..nasib baik ada medisave & medishield....:)
Waktu ini juga, Iqram sibuk nak menghadapi peperiksaan PSLE(Primary School Leaving Examintion)..So kalau teman2 dapat bayangkan berapa stressnya kita waktu tu..Allah sahajalah yang tahu..Kita check darah kita ada hypertension during that period..
Jadi to make things easy for myself..Kita suruh Hasif pilih cake yang ada kat blog kita ni untuk his birthday..sebab tak ada time nak testing recipe baru..So he choose this cake again..:)

Classic Chocolate Cake
Sources:- From Maya@maya-kitchenette
Sources:-From Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
170g butter-(3/4 cup)
2 cups sugar (-Ayu used 11/4 cup)
3 eggs
2 cups plain flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
85g cocoa powder-(Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
11/2 cups milk
2 tsp vanilla

Cream butter until softened. Add sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time. Measure the flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder into a medium sized bowl and whisk to combine. Add about a third of the dry ingredients to the butter/sugar and beat to combine. Add about half of the milk and beat to combine. Continue adding, alternating between dry and wet and finishing with the dry. Mix in vanilla. Scoop batter into cupcake cups 1/2 or 60% full. Bake at 170C for about 25-30 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean.

142g chocolate (5 oz)-(Ayu used Valrhona Dark Chocolate)
86g butter(3 oz)
1/2 cup sour cream-(Ayu used 1/2 cup plain yogurt +11/2 tbsp melted butter)
1 tsp vanilla
5-7 oz icing sugar (start with 5 oz and add accordingly) - (Ayu used 2 oz -21/2 oz- 60g -75g)

Melt butter and chocolate using a double boiler. Once smooth and melted, gently whisk in vanilla. Whisk in icing sugar, a little at a time. Add in sour cream and cream till its satiny smooth. Keep it aside for a while to thickens. Do give it a stir once in a while.


  1. Salam Kak Ayu..lama tak bersinggah sini...Semoga kesihatan bapa Kak Ayu beransur pulih...

    Dan kek ni pun nampak sedapppp....

  2. lama Ayu tak update blog ternyata Ayah sedang sakit. Aku doakan semoga segera sembuh dan pulih kembali ya. Dan semoga Ayu diberi kesabaran lahir dan batin....

  3. sue - walkslm, lama juga akak tak dengar suara sue..alhamdullilah ayah akak memang nampak sihat dah sekarang.. thank you ya sue..:)

  4. Rina - ya Rina..kita took a break sebab masaalah2 kat atas nilah..Alhamdullilah ayah kita sudah pulih..shukur ya allah..mase the right decision to go for operations..
    terimakasih ya Rina..:)


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