Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lemon Cream Cake

The reason why I decided to bake this cake was that I have an overstock of lemons in my fridge which I bought moons ago, as it was on sale for 30cents per piece!! Without any plans at that time, just bought about 5 lemons, and stacked them in my vegetables compartment...Until later I noticed some light brown patches on the peel, thats when I started to feel 'kanchiong' to clear of the lemons.. Coincidently when  I was blog hopping. saw this in Rasa Malaysia website..and bookmarked it and project proceeded..

The cake was indeed very moist and nice..An everyday cake, which is suitable for breakfast or tea parents love it..I love it and the kids love it too.. What I could say, this is a cousin or a relative of Sicillian Orange Cake, only thing different is the adding of heavy cream/whipping cream that made this cake more creamier?..:)
Thank you to the contributor for this recipe and Rasa Malaysia for sharing..:)

ps:- Ayu used juice from 1 lemon for the cake. The rest of the lemons, I squeezed the juice and kept them in a bottle for other use, as the peel will be blackened and get rot)

Lemon Cream Cake
Makes 1 cake | Prep Time: 30 mins | Bake Time: 45-60 mins
Contributor: CP Choong via RasaMalaysia

Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction

5 large eggs
1 3/4 cups sugar-(Ayu used 11/4 cup)
Pinch of salt
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tsp baking powder
2/3 cup heavy cream-(Ayu used non dairy whipping cream)
6 Tbsp melted butter
Finely grated zest of 3 lemons
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice-(Ayu used 3 tbsp)

Preheat the oven to 375F. Butter and flour a 9x5x3-inch loaf pan. (Ayu used a bundt pan)
In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the eggs, sugar and salt, beat until thick and a light lemon color.
In another bowl, sift together the flour and baking powder. Gently stir the flour mixture into the egg and sugar mixture a little at a time, blend well.
Blend in the cream and melted butter and then stir in the lemon zest and lemon juice.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until golden brown around the edges. Remove to a rack to cool for about 5 minutes, then turn the cake out onto the rack to cool completely.
Cook’s Note:
I used a swirl bundt pan, the baking time slightly longer than stated above.
Serve the cake with berries, a simple fruit sauce or lemon sauce.
(Ayu used a kugelhopf bundt pan and served the cake just like that)


  1. Salam ayu. Sedapnya kek ni. Kita dh lama teringin nk buat. Tp setakat teringin je la ha3...seb baik ayu jauh. Klau tak kita dh ketuk pintu rmh ayu mintak sket.
    Murahnye lemon tu...dulu2 kita pun camtu selalu beli tp simpan sampai benyet he3...but now tak lg sbb kita wat juice every monen. And always ada stok for at least 2weeks.

  2. tengok bahan2nya mcm sedap...
    tq 4 sharing

  3. ana - walkslm, alhamdullilah sedap kek ni ana..tak bedek cakap..hehehe..
    kita kalau jumpa lemon murah memang suka beli walhal tak ada plan nak buat apa pun saja suka beli..hehe..
    wah baguskan minum lemon juice habis lemak2 dia turun..hehe

  4. Nana - sama2 Nana..thank you sudi tingalkan jejak ya..:)

  5. Salam Kak Ayu, ni jiran dari Woodlands..hehehe..anyway i have tried this recipe and i love the creamier of this cake cuma next time maybe i kurangkan sukatan gula tu. Agak manis mencekam..thanks for the recipe!

  6. nash - walkslm, oh ya ke..woodlands sebelah mana?..cake ni kalau tak kurangkan gula memang manis mengcekam..heheh..alangkan akak kurangkan pun masih terasa manisnya..
    tapi kek ni sedap kan..:)

  7. Woodlands belakang marsiling mrt..hehe..cake ni mmg sedap, nak bikin lagi sebab nak abiskan stock heavy cream tu..thanks kak ayu!

  8. nash - wah dah dekat tu dgn rumah akak..mine kat depan woodlands swimming complex ni..hehe...ah kalau buat lagi bolehlah kurangkan gulanya tu ya..apa2pun thank you ya nash sudi mencuba..:)


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