Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Belgian Chocolate Cake

Birthday cake yang kita buat July lalu..waktu bulan puasa untuk ,Marsya's 8th birthday...actually nak masukkan asik tertangguh aje..sebabkan  kita maluuuu sangat nak tayang kat blog ni...Memandangkan  dia minta cake 'Frozen', alahai..kita cakap kat dia..Marsya mama tak pandai buat figurinelah ini ajelah yang mama boleh buat... Kalau dicompare dengan kek2 'frozen' out there..kek ni memang lari jauh dari temanya..yalah orang buat cake frozen, warna, keputih2han, kebiru2an..dan more figurine or edible image kat atas kek.. mama main curah chocolate pulak kan..huhu...sebab itu aje yang mama tahuuuuu..hahaha...nasib baik ada 'snow flakes' sikit ..hehe....lagipun same reasonlah abang2 tak makan kek yang colour putih !..
Itupun cream yang putih2 tu dia orang kuiskan ketepi..

Cream putih tu sebenarnya  Swiss Meringue Buttercream..pertama kali buat ..sebab nak rasa macam mana differencenya dengan Italian Buttercream...pada kitalah ya..I would prefer the Italian one..mungkin ada technical problem during the process atau sukatan gula tu kita terlupa nak adjust...which is  agak manis pada kita ..
so I think I dont put the recipe yetlah until kita jumpa recipe yang betul2 sesuai to 
me...Maklumlah cari recipe buttercream tu pun main tangkap muat aje time bulan puasa tak 
kuasa..malas nak survey2 yang lain..dan compare..heheh itulah padahnya...

Belgian Chocolate Cake
Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
Yield 24 cupcakes -(Ayu used 8" tray)

1/2 cup butter, melted(115g)
100 grams bittersweet Belgian chocolate, chopped
1/4 cup butter-(55g)
1 1/4 cups sugar-(280g) -(Ayu used 170g only)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 3/4 cup all purpose flour-(195g)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk

For the Belgian chocolate ganache
2 cups cream
400 grams bittersweet Belgian chocolate, chopped

(Ayu did half amount) 

In a small pan, melt butter. Stir in chopped Belgian chocolate and whisk until blended. Set aside. Preheat oven to 350ËšF. In a mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs slowly and beat until creamy. Stir in cocoa powder and vanilla. Add melted chocolate. Combine dry ingredients and stir into creamed mixture alternatively with milk. Beat until smooth (about 1 minute) then scoop into paper-lined muffin pans.  Bake for 15 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool before frosting. Make the Belgian chocolate ganache: Put cream in a pot and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in chopped chocolate. Whisk until smooth. Cool until thick and use to frost cupcakes.


  1. salam kak

    kecur air liur tengok !!!

  2. Assalam kak Ayu..
    Terserlah kemewahan kek ni...nama kek pun dah membayangkan keenakannya..lelehan ganache tu yg membuatkan ayaq liuq cheq meleleh sama ni hihihi

  3. Salam Kak Ayu,

    Kalau lah I jiran u! kan??? :)

  4. I era- Alahai kek biasa2 aje iera..;)

  5. Linapg-walkslm,..hehehe...chocolate ganache tu lah anak2 suka...kalau putih keknya tu..Macam pandang sebelah mata aje...hehe

  6. Honey- kalaulah honey jiran akak..boleh lah dap at me rasa...;)

  7. huhuu..sedapnyaa kek..xtahan tgk coklat yg meleleh tuu ^_^

  8. yana~alhamdullilah..keknya sedap yana...cuma..creamnya tu manis pada akak....hehehe

  9. as salam akk, belgian choc brand apa?tq

  10. reetouch
    walkslm, belgian choc brand callebaut..:)


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