Monday, May 16, 2016

Khao Niew Kanun aka Jackfruit Sticky Rice

Pertama kali ternampak gambar 'Pulut Nangka' di facebook ..kita terus google cari recipenya...Pertama kali buat & sedappp..lagi2 kalau dapat nangka yang manis serta mum & me berlumba2 mencapai nangka yang di isi dengan pulut ni..besides this kita pun ada buat Mango Sticky Rice atau pulut mangga..part pulutnya tu sama aje recipenya..this time round kita terajin pula buat fried mung beansnya..rendam semalaman..then buang kulit hijaunya toskan then goreng garing...garnishkan atas pulut tu..

Jackfruit Sticky Rice| Khao Niew Kanun  
Makes 2-4 servings
Sources:-From RachelcooksThai
    Sticky Rice:
  • 1/2 cup uncooked Thai sticky rice (Ayu used 11/4 cup glutinuos rice)
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (Ayu used 1 cup)
  • 2 Tablespoons white sugar(Ayu used 3/4 cup)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt(Ayu used 11/4 tsp)
  • ~6-10 pods ripe jackfruit (Ayu used 15 pods)
  • 1 tsp rice flour(Ayu added)  
  •  Some pandan leaves(Ayu added)

    Fried Mung Beans
  • 1/4 cup mung beans
  • 1/2 cup canola oil
  • pinch of salt 

    To Make the Sticky Rice:
  1. Soak the sticky rice in water overnight.
  2. When you're ready to assemble the dessert, steam the soaked sticky rice until the grains are soft and translucent (~40 minutes) in a Thai rice steamer.(Ayu steamed in stainless steel bowl  in the normal steamer & add a few pandan leaves)
  3. While the rice is steaming, mix the coconut milk, salt, rice flour and sugar + (pandan leaves)over medium heat until the mixture is smooth. Reserve 2 Tablespoons of this sauce for later.(Ayu reserved about 1/4 cup)
  4. Once the rice is done, add it to the coconut milk sauce. The rice will soak up the sauce as it cools, so add it in small sections and wait for it to absorb the liquid before adding more. You may not need to use all of the rice to achieve the right texture. 

    To Make the Fried Mung Beans:
  1. Soak the mung beans in water overnight.
  2. Remove the green shell and separate the mung beans into their halves. Dry on a paper towel.
  3. Fry the shelled, dried mung beans in oil over medium heat. Remove as soon as they are golden brown, drain on a paper towel, and salt to taste. 

    To Assemble:
  1. Slice the fresh jackfruit pods in half lengthwise. Place a spoonful of the sticky rice inside.
  2. Drizzle some of the reserved coconut sauce on top and garnish with the fried mung beans. Enjoy!


  1. Assalam kak ayu.
    Kalau dizet dr negara Thai ni mmg unik dan menarik kan?Rasanya pun sedap.
    Sy pernah tgk (dlm intenet la hihi) versi yg kukus semula lepas sumbat pulut tu..nangka cam lembik siket la.yg ni nangka kekal fresh..nyum..nyum

  2. wow .. menarik sgt nih kak ayu ... both pulut & nangka I loike ... mmm masuk list dulu ehehe

  3. Assalamualikum Ayu
    Belum pernah kaknoor tngok dessert ni
    Mesti sedap ditambah dgn wangi nangka
    Apa saja dari pulut mmg fav kaknoor
    Boleh lah try nnt bila bekesemptan.
    ThNks Ayu resepi yg menarikss

  4. Kak Ayu...
    ahai belum pernah saya makan pulut dengan nangka begini, wah mesti sedap ini kak, bolehlah kapan2 saya coba...saya penggemar pulut nih kak..

  5. Lina
    walkslm betul tu Lina..dessert dari negara Thai memang sedap2 belaka..
    oh ya ke ada yang kena kukus dulu eh..oh kalau gitu akak prefer yg fresh gini..

  6. Nooriah
    Walkslm, kak Noor..memang sedap ni kak noor..kita berebut makan dgn my mum..
    my dad & hubby tak makan dapatlah lebih kita makan..heheh
    bila2 boleh cuba Kak noor..:)

  7. Dewi Aja
    terimaksih ya for the info..:)

  8. Monica
    cubalah Monica..sedap tau rasanya..
    lagi kena dgn santan & pulut yang manis..waduh..
    makan pejam2 mata gitu..heheh

  9. Cik Ain
    waduh hampir2 terlepas pandang..
    cubalah Ain..memang sedap dessert ni..:)


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