Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Award From Mimi

Dapat award dari Mimi yang duduk jauh di Pulau Pinang..dah dua kali dapat award dari Chik puan ni.....Oops ni baru edit, rupanya ada lagi satu dari Ita yang duduk lagi jauh nun di Japan (tertinggal pulak nak ambik) sorry ya Ita untuk anda berdua terimakasihlah kerana sudi memberi award ni kepada saya ..Seperti kawan kawan yang lain, diharap persahabatan di alam 'wire' ini akan berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat..Insyallah..

Syarat untuk menerima award ini adalah seperti di bawah:
Award ini diterima daripada
Chik Mi aka Mimi dan dari Ita aka Juwita

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Untuk yang ini seperti yang lain ramai dah dapat dah..jadi tak payah lah saya nak calling2 kawan kawan yang lain ya, sebab selalunya bila part saya dapat award normally orang lain dah lama dapat dah...kira sedih ke ni?hehehe kesian dia...

This posting was the only entry that I managed to upload before the 'tragedy' took place..which I saved under draft...meanwhile just enjoy this view while I wait till the upload images functions work.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Will try my best to help you find ways to solve the image upload problem... The food looks AMAZING by the way... making me quite hungry now haha!


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)