Monday, June 29, 2009

Need Some Help In Technical Support..

Salam, I have some problems uploading my images in my blog...but I can only post the wordings..can anybody help in solving this problem for me?...what is blogging without pictures right?..pls I have been pulling my hair since this afternoon trying to upload my photos but in vain...


  1. Salam Ayu..ayu guna upload...photobucket ker...photoshop?...Kalau akak akak upload ke dalam photoshop dulu then edit or decorate...then it?

  2. sama lah kak, edit kat photoshop,..lepas tu bila kita nak upload picture in new post pergi ke add image icon, click ,then browse, choose my picture lepas tu upload image, click done, tapi kat create window nothing appear!!

  3. ayu kalau guna mozila tukar ke internet explorer tengok...try je lah...akak pun tak tau nak tolong cam na...sebab mozila sometime ada problem gak...


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