Monday, June 08, 2009

Jagung Rebus

A healthy breakfast today...ate 2 corns..enough to make you full till lunch...Frankly I am quite moody today...reasons?...only my family knows...should I tell you?..well..can I just say that it got something to do with blogging...something got to do with leaving comments in my shout box?...

First of all, the reasons why I blogged about food cause I love to to to see my kids and family finishing whatever I cooked...the joy is just unexplainable...I am still learning as I opening this blog, doesn't mean that I am an expert or a professional in cookery...

By having this blog too I would like to share what I have done and experience in cooking, making and baking certain things...the TRIAL AND ERROR of cooking (as what I wrote in my profile) what I would like to share with you guys....sometimes, it really boost your moral when friends and visitors comments on your 'works'...there goes the same, if somebody, commented on what you did not succeed, adding to leaving an 'advice' without introducing yourself, it just make your moral low....

Maybe now I understand why and how Kakasma felt, when she suddenly wanted to stop blogging...well I almost felt the same too yesterday...after being coaxed and advice by my family members..I've decided to 'get up' from my 'bad reality dreams' and took the 'challenge'..and would like to proof to 'somebody' that he/she is wrong!!!!(Whoever you are)...

Definitely, those words I will remember till I die!...but I will take that as a 'positve' advice and will improve myself in whatever I do...thank you again (whoever you are)...

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Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)