Sunday, June 07, 2009

Warm Molten-Centred Chocolate Cupcakes

A disappointing attempt!...Looked nice from the outside but did not meet the ISO standard in taste....heheh..

The texture, was coarse (kasar) a bit 'hard'(keras) and very brittle (peroi)...As for the filling I should have put more chocolate cubes in the centre instead of just 1, cause I've used a bigger paper cups instead a smaller bigger paper cups, should put more chocolate squares inside... The chocolate in the centre, it should be flowing down, not stuck there!!!! huwahaha...

Since not enough chocolate filling in the centre, I've added 'Smucker's Sundae Syrup' to add the chocolaty taste ...ish..ish..ish. ..'Alah Kassim'..!!

4 tbsp soft margarine
55g caster sugar
1 large egg
85g self raising flour
1 tbsp cocoa powder
55g plain chocolate
icing sugar for dusting

Put 8 paper baking cases in a muffin pan, or place 8 double-layered paper cases on a baking sheet. Put the margarine, sugar, egg, flour and cocoa in a large bowl and, using an electric hand whisk, beat together until just smooth. Spoon half of the mixture into the paper cases. Using a teaspoon, make an indention in the centre of each cake. Break the chocolate evenly into 8 squares and place a piece in each indentation, then spoon the remaining cake mixture on top.
Bake the cupcakes in a preheated oven, 190 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or until well risen and springy to the touch. Leave the cupcakes for 2-3 minutes before serving warm, dusted with sifted icing sugar.
Sources:- From book-Everyday Muffins and Bakes

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