Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Leek Goreng Udang

If I went to the market or supermarket or even hypermarket...I looked at the vegetables, I just cant help myself looking at the same old vegetables all the time either kailan, kangkung, chye sim and many other leafy veggies.....and everytime I saw this leek, I will asked myself what can I use to cook this with?..or how to cook this...so last Sunday, I picked this up and just dump inside my groceries basket..and decided to go for it...ah! just try and cook this and see how it taste...looking at my 'confidence' in picking up the leek, a chinese lady asked me...'excuse me, how u cook this ah?'..with a 'naive' looked I said ' sorry this is also my first time trying ' hahaha she laughed...so to play safe I've decided to slice some garlics and chillies (no need onions cause this veggy already taste like onions) and add prawns as the 'perencah' or stock... the rest was history... the taste oklah, still acceptable lah..

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