Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sukun Goreng & Pisang Tanduk Goreng

Breakfast for today...semuanya bergoreng...ermm, macam mana tak bulat...oh yes while I am writing this, it seems my Internet got problem...a few days my phone line was not suddenly went dead... called Singtel and their technician came and checked the line...he told me that when the line was attached to the modem for my broadband, the telephone line cannot work, but if I pulled out the modem line, the telephone line can work...he asked me to call singnet to clear this off...
So as I speak, my telephone line is off...just because I want to update my wonder when I accessed my blog or other web page, I've got problem opening the windows...very frustrating...need to do something about this, but got to wait for Mr Hubby...cause I only know how to use but not the technical and 'backstage' procedure...

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