Thursday, June 11, 2009

Two Ways Molten Chocolate Cake

Got this recipe, while I was browsing the Internet looking for the right 'MOLTEN' recipe..the last molten was not right for my taste (not sure about others)...but I think I got the steps correct...its just that the recipe doesn't work for me...

As for this recipe, the taste is right! But since the recipe requires to use metal rings,(which I don't have) I used the ramekins..which are a bit thick, the baking time was longer than the original instructions... I will definitely going to buy the metal rings, as this will not be my last time doing this...

Meanwhile, I will be away for a short holiday...wont be hearing from me..for the next couple of days...take care. Miss Me OK!!!...

1 comment:

  1. Ayark.. i like the meleleh chocolate style tu la...aduss... kalau tak pikirkan berat badan ni,hari2 nak kunyah kek cokelat mcm nie..huhu


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