Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Getuk Ubi Kayu

The tapioca, that I bought, tak empuklah dia ganyut!! the getuk ubi tak berapa kick lah rasanya.. kalau dapat yang empuk rasanya fluffy2 gitu kan best kan...ini untuk afternoon tea .....macam mana nak pilih ubi yang tak ganyut?? I beli yang dah kopek kulit compressed dalam plastic punya...kalau beli yang belum buang kulit tu, lagilah selalu bila time nak siang ubi tu dah masuk angin...any tips?

2 cups boiled tapioca (pounded)
1 cup grated coconut
1/2 cup sugar
salt to taste
batter mix (can use own batter mix recipe)
Add all the ingrdients and mix well. Make balls from the mixture and dip in batter mix. Fry till golden brown and be careful not to fry too long as it will break.

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