Thursday, July 09, 2009

Puteri Salat

Ha..ha..ha..can I say, don't judge the book by its cover? Or in another way, dont judge my Puteri Salat by its look but by its taste? The taste meets the ISO standard(Mr Hubby)...hehehe..Made this for the first time!..Believe it or not...Yes my very FIRST laugh at me eh...(OK a bit can)...hehehe.... yes, yes I know 'more practice'...the top layer not very 'CHOON' I know, it should be a nice flat top.. wanted to try something different from the normal puteri salat by making this with the black eye beans in the glutinous rice. I halved the ingredients , basically to tried out firstlah kan?..

Ingredients for Bottom layer:-
600g glutinous rice (I soaked for a while)
1 cup white grated coconut
80g black eye beans (boiled till 3/4 cooked)
1 bowl 'thin' coconut milk (100ml coconut milk +water)
salt to taste
some screw pine leaves

Steam glutinous rice, coconut milk, salt and screw pine leave in a steamer for 20 minutes till cook. Add in grated coconut and black eye beans and mix well. Grease some oil in a 32-34cm tray(since I used half ingredients, I used 9" tray).Press the glutinous rice into the tray till firm.
Steam again for another 10 minutes. Later add in the top layer and steam again for 30-40 minutes.

Ingredients for Top Layer:-
5-6 screw pine leaves sliced
115 ml 'thin' coconut milk
(Blend this 2 ingredients to get about 150ml)
550ml thick coconut milk
420g sugar
6 eggs(AAA size or 8 if using small) -lightly beaten
6 tbsp plain flour
a few drops green colouring(optional)- I added a few drops
1/2 tsp pandan paste(optional)-I didn't add this

Add all the ingredients and mix well. Strained the mixture and pour into the glutinous rice tray and continue to steam (I steamed for 1 hr )or till cook.
Sources:-From Rozzan's shared Recipes.


  1. Sedapnye kak Ayu.. ade kacang2 lagi.. interaktif cikit masa kunyah tue.hehe

  2. yu i nye pebret ngan anak yg sulong ni tp maknya sll lupa je nak membuatnya hihihihi
    looks so yummmy


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