Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spring Chicken

He ..he.. he.. I am in a happy mood now!!!..since I can upload pictures..ha masuk ajelah...went to the blogger help forum, one of the bloggers gave a solution how to solve the problem..

Since I am now using Mozilla Firefox 3...go to create new post, press 'Ctrl' and at the same time press 'F5' will comeback to normal..and you can post your entries now..confirmed its not blogger side but its singnet problem for those using IE you can come here to check whether it helps....

The above picture is what my kids eat today...just bought from 'Halal Tenderfresh Chicken' adults makan simple2 aje... enjoy the sightings ya..hehe


  1. salam singgah... love this blog, semuanya food-food-food! best :)

  2. salam kembali,
    I also love your blog..its fun over there..makes me think everytime I read your notes..heheh thank you for visiting..


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