Thursday, July 23, 2009

Telur Mata Lembu & Hirisan Bawang, Cili Padi

Ha as requested by Kak Watie, this was the 'simple' dish yesterday!!!! Mr Hubby got to work late so thats why tak masak...Ha..haha.. although its simple, I still took the shots pulak dah kira engine nak dekat slow down kot?..haha..the malas wind start to come..

Fried the eggs (I like a little bit crispy), just slice onions, sliced birds eye chillies, add some black soy sauce and went along with hot rice..2x tambah wah cakap sama lu..hehe. ha lauk ni tak adalah, sampai pecah peluh kak!!...sikit aje berpeluh kat ketiak..hehehhee..ish..geli pulak dengar eh..ok..layan...

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