Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bread Bowl w/ Cream Of Mushrooms Soup

I forgot to put this the other day.. had this on Sunday for breakfast..I made 3 big bread bowls instead of 6 in the recipe so that I get a bigger bowl. First time did this but not the first time ate them..Mr Hubby likes to order this when we go now I've got the recipe next time can do again..!!!
Note:- Cut 1/3 of the bread bowl top. Using a fork or spoon scrap some soft bread inside and put aside. Slowly so as not to break the bowl.

Ingredients For Bread Bowl:-

11/4 cup warm water
1/4 cup vegetable oil or canola oil( I used corn oil)
3 cups plain flour(375g) - (I used 2 cups plain flour + 1 cup high protein flour)
1/2 cup semolina flour-the coarse one (used in making talam suji-but in talam suji its fine flour)
1 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp potato starch/flour
3 tbsp milk powder
21/2 tsp instant yeast
salt to taste

Add all the ingredients in bread maker and set the setting to dough and wait till ready. Bring out from bread maker and punch down to let the air escape. Knead dough to form a ball and let rest for 10-15 minutes. Divide dough to 6 balls with each weighing 145g-150g. (I divided into 3 big balls-in order to get a bigger' bowl'). Place balls on baking tray which has been greased and let it rest for 45-60 minutes. Bake at 180C degrees for 25 minutes(my oven I used 170C degrees for 30 minutes) till golden brown. Let the bread cool.
Sources:-From Noreen's blog

Cream of Mushroom Soup Ingredients:-
5 cups fresh button mushroom
11/2 cup chopped onions
11/2 cup chicken stock(1 chicken cube + water)
1/8 tsp dried thyme( I used mixed Italian herbs)
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp plain flour
1/4 tsp black pepper powder
salt to taste
1 cup half and half(1/2 cup fresh milk +1/2 cup whip cream)

Boil mushroom, chicken stock, onions, and thyme till soft. When ready let it cool and blend in a food processor. blend coarsely not too fine. Let it be chunky a bit.
In another pan, melt butter and add in flour. Stir till all the mixture incorporated. Add in milk, whip cream, salt , pepper and mushroom mixture. You can add in leek and extra mushroom if preferred. Stir till you get the thickness you want. Ready.
Sources:-From Jennilious blog.


  1. wah terranya die ,hihihi bilala nak sampai seru nak buat ni,yu jampi sikit bagi vit R menjelma

  2. Sangat menarik hiasan soup dlm bread tue... mcm kat hotel2 jer.. cayalah kak :)


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