Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kerang Goreng Berempah

Before fasting month, better eat all the crustaceans, cause during fasting month, this kind of dish just cant go through our throat..hehe..maklumlah orang berpuasa lauk macam ni..memang tak jalan..
during fasting we usually eat lauk yang berair dan simple2 aje...kan..kan..anybody agree with me?

1kg cockles (original recipe used siput sedut)
4 shallots
2 garlics
2.5cm ginger
1/2 tbsp black pepper powder
3 tbsp meat curry powder
1 cup water
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 lemon grass bruised
1 cinnamon bark(didn't put this)
1-2 spring curry leaves
2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
white pepper powder, salt and MSG to taste

Saute Cinnamon bark,curry leaves, lemon grass till fragrant. Add in onions, garlics and stir well. Add in curry powder that has been mixed with water and let it simmer and add in cockles. Add in oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce, pepper and salt.Ready
Sources:- From

1 comment:

  1. saya sangat menyukai resep masakan dari anda. terimakasih ini sangat berguna bagi saya


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