Thursday, August 20, 2009

Telur Ayam Masak Lemak Kacang Panjang

Confirm no more idea what to cook..saw this in, see I have eggs in stock, long beans also terjadilah this dish ...boleh tahan jugaklah..cause I never cook this dish before, never thought of it that this two can combine to be a dish..heheh

(6 person)
10 boiled eggs
$1 long beans
1 packet coconut milk + water
10-15 bird eye chillies*
2-3 shallots*
1/2 handful anchovies*
1 inch fresh turmeric roots*
(*blended ingredients)
salt and MSG to taste

Add blended ingredients together with coconut milk +water in a saucepan and add in salt and MSG to taste. Let it simmer and add in boiled eggs. Continue to simmer and add in long beans after 3-3 minutes turn off heat. Ready.
Sources:-From kie_goodwind

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